Flonase allergy relief (fluticasone propionate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Flonase allergy relief (fluticasone propionate)

Started smelling exhaust fumes! like car exhaust. Headache. Thought the smell was outside & it's in my nose I cannot get rid of it! The smell is so strong my eyes are tearing. Panic galore! I'll stick to the Afrin I'd rather rebound then smell & taste exhaust.

alteration of taste and smell, anxiety, panic attacks

My doctor prescribed Flonase and told me it was ok to take long term. I also take Breo Ellipta for asthma. I felt ok for most of the time until September 2020. That's when my sense of taste went awry. Everything was bitter except the taste of sweets for about 3 weeks. Everything seemed ok until November 2020, when I started to smell exhaust fumes. No one else could smell it. I called the fire department but they said there wasn't anything in my house. It continued so I had my furnace and chimney checked, but again no findings. The smell has so been overwhelming, finally I went to the ER with headache and upset stomach along with the fume smells. But the ER doctor said whatever I smelled was not harming me. However, I continue to smell it and it puts me in fight or flight mode. I developed anxiety and called an ambulance for my first panic attack because I felt like I was about to die. I never had anxiety but now it is through the roof. My doctor put me on medication for anxiety but i am afraid to take it. I am afraid of everything and small problems are unmanageable now. I am certain Flonase caused this change in me and my sense of smell. I also noticed jaw stiffness and I was chewing inside my mouth but I thought it was just tension. If you take this drug, monitor your reactions closely. My life is hell right now.

Nightmare anxiety / panic attacks, heart palpitations, insomnia

Anxiety, Panic attacks onset was at night attempting to sleep. Heart racing for hours, anxiety came in waves, awake all night, no sleep. 5 nights in a row until I found comments forums that listed these side effects. Had no idea it was this medication. Furious I was not warned. How is this drug legal? Almost ended in the ER; days later still not back to normal.

Flonase Sensimist Allergy Relief Nasal Spray side effects were: Elevated blood pressure, Mild nausea, Mildly loose stools,Edema-worse in feet/ankles, Mild Dizziness, and an odd unpleasant odor in my nose

I used this Flonase Sensimist as directed. After only three days, I felt mild dizziness, so I took my blood pressure. It was elevated approximately 20-25 points systolic each time I took my BP, and 10 points diastolic. I also had mildly loose stools, mild nausea off and on, major fluid retention/edema, especially in my feet and ankles (probably what contributed to the elevated BP), and several days later I started to smell an unpleasant odor that appeared to be from the inside of my nose. I have since begun Sovereign Silver (vertical) spray in my nose to clear whatever the steroid in the Flonase caused inside it. It has now been 11 days since my last Flonase spray, and my blood pressure has slowly resolved to my normal. That being said, I am very sensitive to meds, and have had edema from Predisone in the past (another steroid), so I should have looked for this with Flonase. Keep in mind that just because we aren't popping this in pill form doesn't mean we're not swallowing the ingredients, in this case through post nasal drip. (Even eye drops can cause systemic symptoms, the same way.) It did clear my congestion well though.

Anxiety, heart palpitations, worse case of strep throat ever

Has anyone else got a bad case of strep after using this product???

FLONASE ALLERGY RELIEF (FLUTICASONE PROPIONATE): Fluticasone is used to treat certain growths in the nose (nasal polyps). It belongs to a class of drugs known as corticosteroids. Fluticasone works by reducing swelling (inflammation) in the nasal passages. This can help decrease symptoms such as stuffy nose. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Have been taking Sporanox for a few days to eradicate yeast infection. In the meantime, I decided to purchase the Monistat cream to help with the burning & itching. What a mistake!!!!I used Monistat years ago many times without a problem so am wondering what the deal is now. Don't use this product.

Mild to moderate nausea, water retention, depression, increased anxiety

I wouldn't recommend this drug for anyone. Doctors, nurses and pharmacists need to be advised of all of the horrible side effects.