Flomax (tamsulosin hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Flomax (tamsulosin hydrochloride)

dizziness, lethargy, left jaw pain which is a new one.

I had also taken it in 2013 or 2014 for another kdiney stone. passed it nearly immediately with 1 dose. cant remember dosage. gave me headaches. but i'll take headache over vomit-inducingly bad renal colic where i beg god for release for hours on end.anyway this time for this stone it hasnt worked for a week and i just found out it is statistically not helpful vs. placebo. what a crock. avoid this junk.

I'm no longer taking this medication. uro rec was recommended by gp, at firts it was every three to four hour, but afte 6 months its four hour to five and some time six hours, gp said do not take avodart it will not shrink the gland, duodart will but side effects are not nice after a year

i believe they induce nausea and hip trouble

I have only taken this medication for one day and will not take it again. Only slept two hours and woke with really bad nasal congestion. I suppose if I took it longer my body may adjust but it also may not.

Swelling of feet and lower legs.

It worked well enough to help me pass 2 kidney stones and avoid surgery. It made it easier to go, and I went a lot. My feet and lower legs swelled but went back to normal within days after stopping. I would probably take it again if I get another stone.

Complete loss of sex drive with inability to get an errection with retrograde ejaculation. TMJ pain, blurry vision, tooth pain with facial pain, lumbar pain with hip pain. Insomnia, irritability. Unable to think with high anxiety. Makes your body weak affecting large muscle groups. Hand pain, generalized depression

Too many negative things to include

Retention urine,blood in bladde

Have bleeding in bladder, the clot worms are sometimes 2 and 3 inchs long,and plug a catheter, cath has to be removed wash clot out reinsert, repete this until bladder clear and empty pf urine, flomax softens clots,cause’s a jelly,blocking mass, which. must be removed prior to starting irreregation of the bladder, man in Italy, died from over irregation bladder liner seprated from bladder, SIGN’S OF BLEEDING DON’T TAKE FLOMAX

FLOMAX is a dangous drug should only be prescribed by competent urologist. As I found out the hard way, not all Doctors are smsrt enough to prescribe FLOMAX

Headache, dizziness and then severe jaw pain that started about 12 hours later and escalated. Strange side effect and only did a search because if not the med I was concerned I might have a separate medical issue that required attention.

Headache, body aches, tooth/ jaw pain, leg aches, insomnia, dizziness and feeling extremely tired.

I would not recommend this to anyone unless you don't mind all the awful side effects.

Not sure about this drug. It does increase urine flow but the side-effects are getting intolerable. I thought maybe they would go away if I just kept taking it but that appears to be unlikely.

Flomax works by relaxing the pelvic floor muscles which makes urination easier. At first it worked almost like Viagra due to the increase in blood flow. However, as time passed, severe nasal congestion, back pain, neck, pain, face, pain, tooth, pain, hand pain, along with foot, pain and muscle spasms and muscle aches throughout the whole body. Also severe disorientation along with dizziness and weakness in large muscle groups. Insomnia, along with anxiety.

Terrible drug it does make it easier to urinate but the side effects outweigh the medication

As a precaution- knee replacement

Face blew up, throat closed. Went to urgent care and got steroid shot & script. Back pain constantly. Tiredness. Like an anaphylactic reaction. After, skin just broke. Much care to face. A real horror show. Had shades of weird lockjaw too.

I play BBall 3 days a week and PBall 6 days/week. Pretty healthy old guy. Thought my back hurt from sports. Nope! Went away after ceasing taking this poison. Use Kai Kit pills (Chinese herb mixture). Far superior and safe. Gonna take a while to chase out of my system. Approaching normalcy. Finally getting back to looking like me instead of the elephant man. Played both basketball & Pickleball yesterday. First day back. I figure the cardio will accelerate healing. Always does. Had sex today wife my wife and all is well in that Dept. Gonna try to convince her to go for it again under the premise of "medical reasons", but I do't think she'll buy that story.

I did not notice much of a positive effect. It made me so tired, disinterested, and sad that I stopped taking it. Negative effects cleared in 2 days.

I had felt extremely tired since I started flomax. I thought something was really wrong with me. Painful ejaculations. It did significantly increase urine flow. After being off flowmax for several days, I started feeling much better. I'll be going to a urologist soon. Hopefully there's a better fix.

Had to be taken by ambulance to ER

Back pain. Dizziness. Dizziness getting better over time. Fatigue getting worse though

Kidney stones weak flow enlarged pr

Initially improved flow slightly. Had dizziness when standing as it dropped BP to 90/50 on occasions.Headaches and the final straw is lower back and hip pain like sciatica which I've never had before.Recently had biopsy for prostate cancer where they discovered I had really small prostate and low grade cancer Gleason score 6

Just pissing a lot. Frequently and in large volumes. They could also repurpose this drug as male birth control. I could orgasm during sex but no juice could be squeezed from my fruits.

I don't even know how this medicine works for kidney stones as I already passed

Lightheaded most of the dayEar pain and pressureSinus problemsLoss of energy

Flomax does work, but I'm debating if the side effects are worth the complications

Felt Like I had to urinate all the time

Hot flashes, anxiety, stuffy nose and no ejaculant

There should be a big warning on the label about the no ejaculating .

Blurr vision, dizziness, dry mouth, tired, fog brain, light headed

FLOMAX (TAMSULOSIN HYDROCHLORIDE): Tamsulosin is used by men to treat the symptoms of an enlarged prostate (benign prostatic hyperplasia-BPH). It does not shrink the prostate, but it works by relaxing the muscles in the prostate and the bladder. This helps to relieve symptoms of BPH such as difficulty in beginning the flow of urine, weak stream, and the need to urinate often or urgently (including during the middle of the night). Tamsulosin belongs to a class of drugs known as alpha blockers. Do not use this medication to treat high blood pressure. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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No side effects. I had flu as did my 14-year old son. Neither of us experienced any side effects other than feeling better within 24 hours.

My weight increased 15 pounds in 1 1/2 months, I am constantly starving and I am swollen like a balloon. I am usually full of energy and now I fight to stay awake. I feel absolutely horrible. I think I will get my tubes tied.....

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Heart racing. Anxiety. Stomach problems. Shaking.

I have been taking Excedrin for more or less 3 years now only when I'm having migraines. Most of the time it works but for some reason this year there were few times when it didn't work which I don't know why. Yesterday, i had 1 chicken sandwich & 1 bar of chocolate for lunch, 3 hrs later I had migraine. I took 2 capsules while I was drinking coffee then after an hour I wanted to throw up & unwell. Went home & all the side effects started. I was throwing up acid non-stop for 4 hours. I had to stay close to the restroom due to the constant acid & mix of food discharged. I thought I am having a heart attack. When I searched the net I realized that I might have taken too much caffeine & the combination of food I had was bad. A day after i still have heart burn, tightness of chest & acid. I can feel the inflammation & i just wanted to discharge it all out of my chest but don't know how. It feels like there's stucked food & acid on my chest. I have difficulty burfing & breathing. If anyone knows what would help me ease this horrible pain & discomfort, please email me. Thank you.

I have stopped smoking for 2 days though I still am out of sorts. I would reccomend to quit another way. It is to messed up on these pills.

Dangerously mind altering drug.

After reading all comments posted here, I was anticipating some type of side effect, but never had any. After 30 days, my cholesterol went from 297 to 180. I am very pleased!

Paxil helped me tremendously with my anti-social behavior and depression. I enjoyed being with people a lot more (and they enjoyed being with me, too!). I had positive thoughts most all the time. The sense of well-being was pretty constant. Sometimes, I think too much so! However, the side effects of loss of sex drive and sleeping ten hours a day made me decide to get off it. Now I miss it.

Has worked brilliant to stop hot flashes I have none at all, and anxiety is much better as is insomnia, I've slowly built up the dose to 4x pumps a day, 2 am, 2 pm, but the oddest side effect is the dry vagina and burning vulva, it is listed as a side effect but it also meant to help with those issues, I know it's the estrogel has when I stop using it, those problems go, but it works well for other issues but think I may have to stop using and switch to something else has can't stand the burning vag and vulva, tryed vagifem to counter that issue but that stuff is awful made every thing alot worse.