Flecainide acetate (flecainide acetate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Flecainide acetate (flecainide acetate)

Got lots of palpitations and a few short lived fast heart beats runs. Had lots of checks at the cardiologist and was on soltalol which slowed my heart rate down very low but was still getting palpitations. Was put on Flecainide 50 mg twice which helped with palpitations straight away but have developed other side effects, blurred vision constipation bloated .light headed lack of energy .ankles swollen up a bit .just feel rough in myself .also get bad pulsative tinnitus.

Going to speak to the cardiologist to see if I can come off flecainide and perhaps try another drug to see if the side effects calm down .

First day it was fine. Taking it for SVT. Not happy, tired, shaking heart still going, plus shaking. Upset my ibs which I am trying to come off Dicyclomine. Going off it, but took 1/2 a pill and had withdrawals. Forget it!

Afib, pvcs, couplets, bigeminy, vta

Dizziness, nausea, fatigue, pain across chest and arms.

Did not really help my issues. I'm afraid of it

Heart palpitations, tachycardia

Heart paltipaltions/skipped heart b

I have been taking 100 mg morning and night of flecainide for 3 months for heart palpitations and skipped heart beats. I could feel a difference in 24 hours after taking only 2 pills! My heart felt finally at peace. No more racing. Before taking flecainide tests revealed I had 37,000 extra beats in 24 hours! After 2 weeks of taking flecainide it went down to 3, 000 extra beats in 24 hours! I've had no side effects. My heart is peaceful and blood pressure is normal again. It's so wonderful not to feel heart paltipaltions. I feel normal again. All praise belongs to God! Do I recommend flecainide? YES YES YES!

Worked very well taken w/metoprolol.

Increased AF from paroxysmal to all the time with some SVT. Breathless, tired, depressed

Pains all over body. Very tired and out of breath hear heartbeat in my ear. Can T sleep only on it 3 weeks. Had an ablation last August then broke through in February 2019 and had 5 attacks since then. I will go for another ablation soon. I will try anything to get off this medicine. I also take metoporal 25 mg a day my vitamin d very low.

1)Tingling feet and hands about an hour after dosage. Can feel like burning on back of hands and feet. Tingling travels up extremities a little. Annoying and usually tolerable but seems to be worsening. Possibly could be from 12.5MG Metoprolol taken in conjunction with Flecainide. 2)For about 2 months had terrible memory recall when first started higher 75MG dosage with Metoprolol. Getting better now. 3)Developed bradychardia as well but tolerated only one light headed episode. BPM as low as 38. Average in low to mid 40's.

FOR ME. Side effects of my a-fib meds have reached the tipping point in interfering with my quality of life. I finally decided to have PVA. Check out a-fib.com. Best site. I wish I had found earlier after several years on the net looking for answers.

Fatigue, brain fog, lose thoughts mid-sentence

Take it with diltiazem to control afib. Can also be used PRN "pill in the pocket"

Take one when AFib or palpitation happens, usually works in 20 minutes, If not, take another one. no side effects.

lightheadedness, dry mouth, depression, hair loss, weight gain, constipation, fatigue, blurry vision, ringing in the ears, bloated, acid reflux, feeling of air in stomach, odd sensations in chest and stomach, random headaches.

I was first started on lowest dose possible of Flecainide but within a month I was back in a-fib. My dose was increased and I have not gone into a-fib for 5 months now. That is great, however, the side effects of this medication have reduced my quality of life. My energy is depleted. The side effects come and go, some lessen and another will crop up. When I first started taking this drug I was dizzy for 3 months, tired and my mouth was uncomfortably dry. The dizziness lessened but there is a feeling of lightheadedness. Dry mouth is no longer noticeable. Fatigue continues, unfortunately. My digestion has slowed down to a crawl and I am constipated with a feeling of trapped air in my intestines. Right after taking a dose of Flecainide I have acid reflux. My hair is thinning and ear ringing is increasing. My vision which was 20/20 is blurry and that is getting worse. When exercising I feel I have to pace myself so I do not become dizzy or trembly. After exercise I am exhausted.

Dazed and "out of it" a lot of the time. Hot flashes and leg cramps.

Really does the job and is worth the side effects so far. We will see in the long run.

dizzyness. vision blurring. These side effect happened at 100mg twice a day. Switching medications was worse.

I went back to Flecainide after trying other medications and cut the dose in half. The vision blurring remains, but is better toward the end of the day before the next dose. The dizzyness has lessened to the point that I can shower without a problem

FLECAINIDE ACETATE (FLECAINIDE ACETATE): This medication is used to treat certain types of serious (possibly fatal) irregular heartbeat (such as persistent ventricular tachycardia and paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia). It is used to restore normal heart rhythm and maintain a regular, steady heartbeat. It is also used to prevent certain types of irregular heartbeat from returning (such as atrial fibrillation). Flecainide is known as an anti-arrhythmic drug. It works by blocking certain electrical signals in the heart that can cause an irregular heartbeat. Treating an irregular heartbeat can decrease the risk for blood clots, and this effect can reduce your risk of heart attack or stroke. Older adults should discuss the risks and benefits of this medication with their doctor or pharmacist, as well as other effective and possibly safer treatments. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Took medication 5AM Sunday. By noon began to feel nausea. By supper time, small appetite. By 10pm vomiting, low grade fever, skin hurt, joints ached, could hold nothing down through the night. Symptoms continued next day with increased joint pain in knees, hips and back. Today, 2 days later, back pain continues with some severity, appetite is not good and loud gastric noises constantly, full feeling in abdomen.

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After being on Biaxin for 2 days I got severe lower abdominal pain and diarrhea that caused me to have cold sweats and literally double over in pain. Between 2-3 days on the med I was crying uncontrollably and did not know why. I had anxiety about going back to work. Things I don't normally experience. On day 5 and the doubling over super low abdominal pain is back! I am stopping this medicine immediately!!

Flu symptoms.Tight chest.Headache. Sleepy.Loss of appetite. Reflux. Dizzy.Chills.Fever/hot flushes. Emotional.

I have sever endometriosis and PCOS. For a very long time I suffered from migraines and unmanageable lower back and abdomen cramping. We were TTC for a while but found out due to the endometriosis that we will not be able to, so OB/GYN said to start Micronor. I haven’t had any sever migraines since I started it. First 2 months on pills cramping was better. This is my 3rd month now and I have been bleeding for 3 weeks and have horrible cramps. OB/GYN said to try and stick it out. Micronor is supposed to “slow down” or even “stop” periods. Clearly not happening! I will be cont. this for 1 more week. If bleeding is still on going, then I will stop and go back to the OB/GYN. Because I would rather try to treat the migraines and cramps “more naturally” then deal with ongoing bleeding and cramps all the time!

I would certainly not recommend the use of Actos. Although it has controlled my blood sugars really well and lowered my A1C down to 4.5, it is apparently way too risky for ones health