Feraheme (ferumoxytol) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Feraheme (ferumoxytol)

bone and ligament pain, kidney-back ache,rapid heartbeat,itching,confusion,constant feeling of need to urinate,restlessness,diarreah.

When taken in combination of a B12 injection the side effects of extreme emotion and sense of doom increased. Did make my numbers inprove but only for a few days after .

Side Effects forferaheme (ferumoxytol) - User Comments


Related User Reviews

loss of appetite, nausea - but they went away after a few weeks

After almost 4 years, I am just stopping it. I figured out about a year ago the hair loss I was experiencing was most likely from the androgens. And I figured maybe no one has a sex drive with a toddler around. And I was just too scared of getting pregnant (which I still am and will be) but it just isn't worth it anymore. I don't even remember the person I used to be before this pill.

This medication gave me a life. The fog was lifted and I could finally see in color. I am amazed at how much of my own life I have missed. I take 400mg per day and can finally drive for more than an hour without dozing off. I love this med and would recommed it to anyone suffering from narcalepsy.

I was on Seasonale all of 6 weeks, when I found a lump in my right breast, I had just had an examintaion in April of 2005, I started taking seasonale in August of 2005. On October 1st 2005 I found a lump, on October 12th I was diagnosed with Breast cancer at a stage 3A. I wouldnt recommend this drug to anyone. On the back of the Pamphlet it states can cause Breast Cancer even 10 years after you stop taking it. So no sex drive, weight gain, depression thats nothing, I dont want to die from a hormone and I almost did!!!!! If you are on it STOP TAKING IT!!!!!!!! seek other means of birth control!!!!

WEIGHT LOSS. When my daughter started taking vyvanse in October she was 92lbs. She is now down to 81 lbs. She is 12 years and didn't need to lose any weight to begin with.

My wife thought i had a stoke, severe brain fog, tiredness, very sleepy, she said that drug made me stupid, i couldn't think, head pain just very foggy

I think anyone with serious tachycardia ought to ask doc about hyperhyroid issue, too; I started with the inderal and it did ease the heart symptoms, but we still needed to treat the underlying disease, not just the rapid heart. Inderal worked great to slow down the heart and I think also my general metabolism. I was weaned off it once the hyperthyroid condition was also treated and began to improve.

Unbearable anxiety, mood swings, irritability, mild depression at times, shakiness when upset, started fights out of thin air

I would not recommend using Nasonex.

Once in a while I get dizzy or lightheaded. No other side effects that I can think of.