Fenofibrate (fenofibrate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Fenofibrate (fenofibrate)

I'm still taking this medication. No problems

I'e been on it a couple of years now it was the only one I could take without side effects and it works great. It's not a Statin it's a Fibrate.

Sore chapped lips, swollen gums, itchy skin. Fever, chills, rhinitis, unusual bleeding just from regular nail grooming. Nose bleeds stomach pain, ankle pain out of no where. muscle spasms, general fatigue. I'm guessing I'm allergic because these symptoms happens to fast for 2 days of taking it.

Raw feeling in throat, nausea, tired

Severe muscular myopathy - muscle shrinking, weakness, all joint tight, and heavy upper back and legs.

Both shoulder pain and weakness. Cannot hold a cup of water. Lossing shoulder muscle. Cannot raise arm.

I took TRICOR for about 13 years without severe side effects. After switched to Fenofibrate for about 3 years, the severe side effects are coming.

Painful symptoms in my right knee and my left knee. It took about 4 days for intense pain to subside and yet I still cannot walk without the felling of weakness and tenderness in the left knee joint, tendons and or the meniscus areas of my left knee. Left knee now "clicks" and at times fails to function properly for confident walking.

Started taking this medication on 12-13-14, within 3 days I stated to feel pain in my left knee, after 7 Days of taking this medication, (Fenofibrate, 48mgs), I had to have crutch assistance just to be able to get around. Left Knee Pain was very intense and mobility was nil. I quit taking the medication immediately once my right knee started to develop the similar painful symptoms and a decrease in mobility as my left knee. I felt this was very unusual as I had not taken part in any activity or incurred any injury that would justify this type of pain and immobility. My concern and curiosity caused me to check for similar testimonies on various medical websites. My concerns were substantiated. I quit the medication immediately. Once I quit taking the medication, the painful symptoms in my right knee went away by the end of the day, but my left knee took about 4 days longer for pain to subside and yet I still cannot walk without the felling of weakness and tenderness in the left knee joint, tendons and or the meniscus areas of my left knee. Left knee now "clicks" and at times fails to function properly for confident walking.

Some mild tiredness for a few hours after taking. Take before bed and its not an issue.

I'm surprisingly happy with this med.

Horrible respiratory distress. Could not inhale oxygen into my lungs. Pain in shoulders and neck. Finally traced back to only change (by new doctor). Quit taking immediately. It has been 7 days off the stuff and I am so weak and exhausted I can barely walk thru the house. Of course can't sleep well because of inability to inhale. I hate this stuff and wouldn't recommend. I just keep praying the symptoms will go away soon.

FENOFIBRATE (FENOFIBRATE): Fenofibrate is used along with a proper diet to help lower "bad" cholesterol and fats (such as LDL, triglycerides) and raise "good" cholesterol (HDL) in the blood. It works by increasing the natural substance (enzyme) that breaks down fats in the blood. Fenofibrate belongs to a group of drugs known as "fibrates." Lowering triglycerides in people with very high triglyceride blood levels may decrease the risk of pancreas disease (pancreatitis). However, fenofibrate might not lower your risk of a heart attack or stroke. Talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of fenofibrate. In addition to eating a proper diet (such as a low-cholesterol/low-fat diet), other lifestyle changes that may help this medication work better include exercising, losing weight if overweight, and stopping smoking. Consult your doctor for more details. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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