Femcon fe (ethinyl estradiol; norethindrone) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Femcon fe (ethinyl estradiol; norethindrone)

I took many birth controls before this that made me have serious mood swings, irregular periods, TERRIBLE swelling in the breasts, acne problems..basically all of the side effects from hormones that arne't balanced. I've been on Femcon FE since August of 2009 and love it. I have lighter periods that only last about 4-5 days, no irregular bleeding, no weight gain, and has helped with acne.

I was on other birth controls (5 different pills) and was constantly bleeding for weeks and weeks at a time to the point I was anemic. I also had horrible cramps and mood swings so my dr put me on femcon fe. It stopped the bleeding and helped a bit with the excruciatingly painful cramps BUT within 6 weeks I gained over 15 pounds and am still gaining weight!! I am so bloated I can't fit into anything! My thighs have gotten so thick I am miserable!! I've never been embarrassed to be naked in front of my boyfriend but now I want to cry everytime I look in the mirror and hate taking off my clothes in front of him :( which is definitely affecting our relationship in a bad way

there is nothing wrong with this medication

Side Effects forfemcon fe (ethinyl estradiol; norethindrone) - User Comments


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I was not told there was a gel form of this medication. I would have opted for that one instead. I had to stop after one dose because I and the only adult at home during the week and I cannot function like this and have to get two kids ready for school let alone take care of them.

I still felt like eating but had more control to say no, for example was able to stop late night eating, I have been taking the drug a year and arent losing any more weight now,i have put back on 5 kilos,i think my body is use to it and now i'm scared to stop taking it even though i dont feel the effects anymore,

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paraitic infection awful diahhrea

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