Felodipine (felodipine) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Felodipine (felodipine)

I was on 5mg for about 5 years and didn't notice ant side effects. Then my doctor told me my BP was too high at 130/80, so he increased my dosage to 10mg. That's when I started feeling fatigued, dizzy and lack of mental clarity. Sometimes I couldn't finish my sentences. My doctor never told me that there could be symptoms or how to manage my BP naturally.I suffer from anxiety and have a stressful job, so unsure how this contributes.I've recently changed to Lisinopril, but it's only been a week.

I'm still taking this medication. Never had an adverse effect in 39 years of taking Felodipine.

My doctor in Sydney prescribed medication for hypertension when I was 37. First Isoptin then another whose name I can't recall but I didn't like either. Felodopine was the third I tried & after 39 years I'm well satisfied. I've lived in Thailand now over 20 years so use a generic instead of the expensive Plendil from Astra Zeneca.

Severe increase in blood pressure, red rash, pulse rate skyrocketed.

One dose landed me in the ER. Severe flushing and rash with pulse over 140. Thought I was going to die.I will never take this drug again!

FELODIPINE (FELODIPINE): Felodipine is used to treat high blood pressure (hypertension). Lowering high blood pressure helps prevent strokes, heart attacks, and kidney problems. Felodipine is known as a calcium channel blocker. By blocking calcium, this medication relaxes and widens blood vessels so blood can flow more easily. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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LOW LOW LIBIDO, feelings of sadness, dr. jekyl and Mr. Hyde syndrome. Tender breast at times, loss of appetite.

Cons: HUGE weight gain that I can't lose. Constant craving for sweets (I never liked sweets.) Unbearable sense of "overheated" that is completely disabling for minutes at a time. Don't know if it ever helped my anxiety (and new depression), certainly not good now.Pros: Improved sleep most nights. Fewer digestive disturbances (diarrhea and stomach pain).

My gyno recommended this since I have Poly cystic ovarian Syndrome. He said it was low dose and should be easier on my stomach since other BC pills made me sick as a dog. Well, this did that too. No win for me. After having a day of meltdowns I finally pulled it out tonight and its been 2 hours now and I am starting to feel a little bit better. I hope by morning I am better. My hormones are outta whack so now we try something else I guess. I was advised to pop it in when my period started and than remove it after 21 days to get my cycle regulated but I can't live and work feeling like this...its worse than how I feel during a regular period. It did shorten the length and made my flow super light. But I would rather take a normal flow for a week than this crap.

24 hours after taking my one and only dose of Boniva I had excruciating back, shoulder, neck and chest pain especially by my sternum. I am an RN and reread the drug info sheet and saw that side effects often occur about 24 hours after taking. My doctor thankfully, recognized this as a possible side effect. I began taking percocete for TWO weeks because of unbearable pain as soon as I tried to get out of bed in the am. Several days later while still having bone pain I got terrible flu symptoms, G.I. chills, weakness. I had to stay in bed that whole week and continued to have serious bone pain for FIVE weeks.

I'm so surprised w/those of you having so many side-effects.The only one I have is occassional trouble retreiving a word,however the word always comes to me within seconds. My dr. started me on 1/4 tab (200mg) 2x day...I know-pharmacist said he never seen such a low dosage-but i feel great now that I'm at 1/2 tab 3-4x day

This is a terrible drug! I went off it 3 days ago because I can't think anymore (too light headed). STILL dizzy. Very scared

helps the fatigue when i'm not in a severe pain cycle, otherwise it doesn't.

First I noticed being sleepy, more depressed, no appetite, urination got more difficult although I drank a lot of water, low back pain ( kidney pains?). Anxiety went through the roof, didn't want to go anywhere, deal with anyone. Suicidal thoughts and plans almost always on mind when awake but no energy to do anything about it. Then came a day I threw a lot of things that were important to me away and that night I woke up looking at my clothes trying to find the blood on them, because I just knew I had killed two people and had to get rid of the evidence. When I didn't find blood, I looked for the rifle I shot them with thinking of getting rid of it or if I had been dreaming, I could give the rifle to someone so I wouldn't shoot these two people like I felt i needed to (In the sane world, I have no reason to harm these two people). It was around this point I realized I didn't own a rifle (or a gun) and that I was having a psychotic breakdown. I'm glad I had some sense left! I called my doctor and stopped the Depakote that day. I would have been hospitalized but have a great therapist who kept an eye on me all day, making me drink tons of water. I slept fine that night other than urinating as though I hadn't for weeks! The next day I felt almost normal just very weak and felt like I'd been through H**l and back! I am surprised this drug hit me this fast...scary too! I don't know how people take this drug but I guess that is why there is a variety of them out there, right?

Do not F*ing take this drug from hell. Experienced every type of sickness feeling in the book all to have tested negative for an STI at the end...

Pain and burning at injection site as with any shot. Almost passed out about 20 min after shot took about two hours but finally got some releif from the pain. Tired and light headed but well worth it.