Faslodex (fulvestrant) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Faslodex (fulvestrant)

1st injection felt like I was kicked by a horse but I was able to get over it. 2nd injection after two days I was not able to walk and went to er and spent three days in hospital. Lots of pain meds and therapy. It’s been a month now and I’m still using a walker to walk and very weak in my back especially sciatica. Have not done another injection.

Breast cancer 3 times in 6 years

Been on Tamoxifen and Letrozole. Neither worked and couldn't tolerate Letrozole side effects. Faslodex injections are sore but use Emla an hour before on site to numb and ice for 20 min. Key is to warm up the injections under your armpit for 20 min !! Reduces injections pain by more than half!Always have them put a TransAct patch on each bum cheek after. This combination of what to do is a game changer..trust meThen take 2 paracetamol, possibly a Zoffer Rapid if nauseas and go to bed. Just relax for 2 days.

It has been the best of all 3 treatments noting I have also endured radiation (2016) and chemo (2022) so well versed on damage and side effects of all.I keep a strict alkaline diet, no sugar gluten dairy alchohol as body needs best fighting chance. Also exercise and drink lots of water.So far so good for me on Faslodex!! Definitely bearable and gives me 25 great days each month and only a few horrid ones post injections .Don't forget ice and to body warm the injections before administering;) and TransAct after....

Sciatica, very tired, sick all over feeling. Very sore for a few days and injection hard to take

My scans showed reduction in tumour but drug very hard to take

Had terrible pain and knots in left butt cheek. Couldn't walk eventually. After 2.5 months she died in agony on morphine and opioids that didn't relieve the pain. She was doing pretty good prior to the last shot.

Got reg injections August 2021 bruised and the area remain dark almost a year later and tender to touch. Inflammation shows up on CTScan. I am extremely worried as to the length of time on this medication and the "knots" I feel at old injection sites. What happen when no safe spot to give injections.

Very effective for me as my first line drug and only drug currently for my MBC de novo 7 years.

Well tolerated as long as its keeping the cancer away

Sore butt for the first week. Stinky pee for the first week. Having head palpitations/throbbing all the time even in bed.

Sore butt for the first week. Having head palpitations/throbbing all the time even in bed.

Stage 1B Breast Cancer, recurrence

Deep bone pain, all over body aches, headaches, feeling very unwell(like an overal general malaise ), some months vomiting. Stomach pains. Bladder pain. UTI, 5 of the 8 months I have been taking it.

Am taking this because I have had trouble tolerating Aromasin, Arimidex, Tamoxifen. I keep taking Faslodex and enduring side effects because it is supposed to be very effective in keeping cancer at bay which is an issue because I have already had a recurrence(prior to Faslodex)

bone metastasis after breast cancer

Other than my butt cheeks being lumpy several days after the injections, I have experienced no other problems. Wish all cancer meds would be so easy.

After only 6 months of injections, my pet scan showed NO cancer activity. Previously the pet scan had shown activity in femur and pelvic bone, and lymph nodes in chest. Feeling very blessed!!!

Frequent headaches especially at night. Bone, muscle and joint pain.

All cancer patients need to change their diet to 90 raw fruits, veggies, beans, and nuts. Colon and liver cleansing helps too. Countless herbs that help also. Don't kid yourself. Your body is toxic if you have cancer.

some pain and swelling at injection site for a day or so. We taped on small ice packs immediately which were helpful.

I'm off Faslodex today and trying Arimidex because I can't justify the expense to the taxpayers...I'm on Medicare & Medicaid with a terminal diagnosis. The info. I've just read makes me leery of the new drug especially since Faslodex was working well.

Weight Gain, pain at injection sites, side pain, heart palpitations, raspy voice

EXTREME SWELLING from the waist down. Can hardly walk, very, very painful with rash and itching. Feel as though skin will bust. Also vomiting and violent diarrhea. Feel no desire to go on. If this is what the rest of my life will be.....what's the point?

It should be given as torture at GITMO.The doctor said that none of my complaints from the FIRST injection were from the drug. At the LAST visit, he said it was all because of the cancer. He's a QUACK!!

so sore at injection site!!!!!!!!! Those needles are huge to hold the castor oil mixed with meds. Still slightly red and warm. Time will tell.

I will do anything to live, I would prefer it doesn't hurt for weeks .

Serious Headaches, Hemmorage, irregular heart beats, sore throat, fatigue, fuzzy brain

FASLODEX (FULVESTRANT): Fulvestrant is used to treat certain types of breast cancer. Breast cancer cells need the hormone estrogen in order to grow. Fulvestrant works by blocking the effect of estrogen, slowing tumor cell growth. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I have nothing but good to say about it.

Both times I took the medication, it DEFINATELY cured the primary thing I was suffering from.....but being on all kinds of different medications after the fact to reverse what the Augmentin had done is MOST DEFINATELY not worth it!!!!!!!

I found this site because I have been taking this for quite some time and have not really looked into side effects. It helps with my allergies as far as sinuses and itchy eyes. I have broken out with hives on and off most of my life, so i'm not sure if the medication has anything to do with it although i have been EXTRA itchy lately. Spots on feet and hands. I have had a hard time losing weight, depression and anxiety issues also. Again I had these symptoms before starting zyrtec. I stopped taking it yesterday and went back to claratin because i don't want to take any chances. I will update if i notice a change in energy, mood or breakouts.

Sticks with you - unlike estrace. Can take it once a day with no hot flashes. When I tried taking estrace I had to take it twice as often at twice the dose and it still didn't work as well as Ogen. I use the generic by Watson FYI.

Very frequent urination now that I'm up to 2000 mg, somewhat of an appetite loss, the medication is only masking my signs and symptons, it is no longer keeping the fluid level down even though I take it 4 times a day, so in my view the medication is no longer working and it doesn't always cont. to work for everyone. I'm still have side effects to my vision. When I first found out I had this, my pressure level was at a dangerous rate and I almost lost complete vision in my left eye...I'm going through the same thing all over again....does anyone know why my medication isn't doing the job???

After 3 weeks symptoms had pretty much gone away, stayed on the pills for 60 days. Felt worse overall on the pills and quit taking them. Gained weight on these pills, never felt right. Have been off them for 1 week and feeling a bit better now.

Mild nervous foot taping, etc. Better sleep.

After note being able to fall asleep by 3:30 I looked up symptoms on the web. Have decided to discontinue medication because have not been able to get to sleep. Thanks for everyone else's comments, it should save me some pain.

Flu-like symptoms after day 3. Sore throat headache & light headedness. Lower back pain then along came the loose bowel problem. Course finished 10 days ago but bowel problems persist. Loose movements with stomach pain, bad smell, wind and lots of mucous.

Loestrin 24 - Weight Gain, Acne, Night sweats, No period for 2 out of the 3 months, INSANE mood swings, Possible Dizzy spell.