Fanapt (iloperidone) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Fanapt (iloperidone)

Swelling of lower legs (edema?), heart problems were increased after starting, trouble sleeping, slowed thinking, imagination and creativity lessened, possible minor dementia, increased appetite - weight gain

Had been on clozaril for 22 years then gradually weened off onto fanapt because of low white blood cell counts. After switching I had increased psychotic symptoms which gradually lessened. Makes me feel dopey - I feel I'm not as smart as I was. Overall I feel better with it especially as it works with the other meds. Must take with food.

Extreme edema in my extremities, lethargy AND insomnia, akathisia in my legs, fidgeting

I'm still taking it, but I don't like it much. It's the fifth anti-psychotic the dr. has tried me on, and none of them have been very tolerable. (The akathisia does me in) I hate the side effects so much I stop taking it constantly, start to get ill, start taking it again, etc.

The dosing is funky with this medicine. Have not tried this medicine yet, but it suppose have less EPS over the other ones.

New medicine, curious about trying it.

break through thoughts of unrest,restlessness due to these thoughts,replaying events in my mind and feelings of guilt

The doctor is trying to find a med that will work for me and get me out of this dazed state and depression. seroquel xr is what I'm taking at present

I'm a little more tired then before I was on Fanapt. I'm sleeping a little later. Groggy in the morning. Its supposed to be weight neutral but we'll see about that. I'll write more later. Hope this helps:)

Felt like I was half conscious, didn't know what was going on, couldn't put a sentence together, my body felt numb, dizzy, severe neck pain, couldn't turn my head

It was awful! I was trying to get up to 6 mg to control mania after giving birth to my daughter. The doctor said the normal dose is 24 mg and I only made it to 4 mg with severe problems. It didn't even stop the mania- I was awake 40 hours straight.

FANAPT (ILOPERIDONE): This medication is used to treat certain mental/mood disorders (such as schizophrenia). Iloperidone helps you to think more clearly, feel less nervous, and take part in everyday life. It may also help to decrease hallucinations (hearing/seeing things that are not there). Iloperidone is a psychiatric medication that belongs to the class of drugs called atypical antipsychotics. It works by helping to restore the balance of certain natural substances in the brain. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Constricting of esophagus and throat. Great pains in chest, jaw and heart area. Had to take an epipen to get relief. Really major stuff. When I began taking it, it made me sick all over. Just ill like I had the flu, then as I kept taking it, the pains came and are almost like a heart attack.

I would never suggest this medicine to anyone! I ended up in the emergency room after taking it because I had such severe cramping in my chest, the doctors wanted to check me to be sure I was not having a heartattack. It was such awful pain, I could not even move, and it hurt so bad to breathe. I would never take this medicine again!

I have taken 2.5 800 mg pills / day for 1 week. It has helped very little if any. I'm ready to try something else.

This occurred @ 30 minutes after taking this medication to help me sleep during a long overseas flight. I was in a cold sweat and my hair was dripping. Not a pleasant experience on an overseas flight. I will NEVER take this again!

It worked very well for the insomnia. Once I got the timing right, I would feel very sleepy when it kicked in, go to bed, and stay asleep. I was even able to quit taking Ambien. That said, it did not take away the anxiety or irritability, but numbed any positive emotions (happiness, excitement, love). I just didn't feel like myself and wanted to quit the drug immediately, which I did, which was a horrible idea as I had major crying jags and paranoia. So I weaned myself off and feel much better. I'd rather live with anger and anxiety than the feelings this drug gave me.

some mood swings but it seemed to control the heavy bleeding and heavy periods.

this is such a stressful process for couples but especially women, i was ovulating and had been pregnant, miscarried and have been trying 10 months to conceive, i won't take clomid again.

Injection sting but gone after hour. None others!

If you are taking Depo-Provera for birth control, or are considering it, DON'T do it. The side effects on your mind and body are not worth it.

this medicine kept her wheezing at bay but it did not prevent it. when she got sick she stayed sick and had to switch to oralpred for 5 days. She has had recurring cycles of illness for the past year. She also uses xopenex for acute coughing attacks.