Famotidine (famotidine) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Famotidine (famotidine)

Had been on Pariet for years and was working. My specialist changed me onto famotidine. Didn't work as well as my previous medication. Headaches, pain in side of head, back of neck, forgetfulness, foggy head. So much so I was ordered an MRI of the brain. I am going to immediately stop taking now I have read these reviews and side effects.

excruciating abdominal pain with some diarrhea and bloating. Doubled over with pain for 24 hours. Will NEVER take this again. I get bad side effects from many meds and am allergic to quite a few also.

Significant bloating and gas. Very nauseous.

I've taken this med before for stomach issues/gastritis and had some limited success with it, even though it made me feel very sick. I had taken it for months previously, and it was very tough to do. The various side effects were hard to deal with. This latest time, I took it for about a week and felt much worse than the last time. It made me so bloated and full of gas, I thought I was going to explode. I could barely function. I was doubled over in pain and discomfort. Very nauseous too. I had to stop it. I can't take a PPI, so an H2 blocker like Famotidine is my only other choice. I'm extremely sensitive to many drugs, and usually get all the side effects that come with them. I'll have to try and get by with Tums.

Acid reflux and gallbladder issues

So far got hella stomach pain taking it but not like sick type just like a cramping type of pain and everything else I feel just fine and a little nauseous and tired all the time now but that's it

I tend to be hyper sensitive to most drugs. Even aspirin gives me unpleasant side-effects like heart flutters, nose bleeds and chest pains. I've been on Warfarin (blood thinners) since 2007 so I always check new drugs against interactions with warfarin. The Famotidine seemed to work fine for the first year. It gave me the ability to eat most of the foods I'd been eating before the reflux began. In the 2nd year the reflux came back. My primary care doc doubled the dosage. That was last year (2021). I also have Alzheimer's in my family tree, so when I started have serious short-term memory issues, problems with speaking .. searching for words, problems concentrating, depression, vivid disturbing dreams, etc. I presumed I was coming down with Alzheimer's. This added to my depression. I asked to be referred to a neurologist for a consult. The appt was so far out, it gave me time to research all my meds against Alzheimer's symptoms. I discovered that several of the 5 meds I was taking to control high blood pressure, borderline cholesterol, blood clotting, acid reflux, pain in calf's after walking a distance - most of these have been found to cause side effects that mimic Alzheimer's. I immediately stopped the cholesterol drug (a statin) that actually caused pain in the half and lower back pain in some African Americans. I dropped another drug that

In receiving the side effects of Famotidine I noted the only the ones that I have: Blood in urine, dark urine, loosening skin (i suddenly have deep wrinkles on the back of my hands and extreme dry wrinkly skin up the front of my arm to my elbows), difficult breathing (I've been having the experience of suddenly gasping for air — pulmonary specialist she doesn't thing it's a problem with my lungs. But wrote an order for xrays of my lungs to be on the safe side.. Haven't got it yet. I've asked my doc to prescribe a different anti reflux med. Other side effect symptoms i have experienced or am presently experiencing - fast irregular pound heart beat; Lack of appetite, trouble concentrating, loss of appetite, trouble Sleeping, chest pain, hoarseness, dry skin, joint and muscle pain, Lower back pain, puffiness, swelling of face. I'm going to take myself off Famotidine. Maybe

My doctor prescribed this as part of my asthma treatment. I have been taking it for 1 month - all was well until 5 days ago. My lips feel like they have been burned and the corners of my mouth are cracked. I had a sore throat for 3 days and now it feels as if I have an obstruction in my throat. I am also experiencing ringing in my ears. I am going to stop the drug immediately to see if this is the cause of these issues. Taking this drug is the only thing I have done differently so I am hoping once I stop, these issues will go away.

I got heart palpitations. I stopped taking.. then.reduced the dose to 20mg. It was ok for a while but then I had to take again for my acid reflux and after taking 40mg for 3 days in a row my palpitations came back. I then reduced to 20 mg...but palpitations are not gone yet...although I've been off the medication for 3 days now. Hope there is no permanent damage because it is really scary. My last palpitations were like a fluttering sensation in my chest and lasted for about 3 seconds. I was just sitting on the couch watching a film. No strenous exercise or anything like that.

It worked wonders for my acid reflux, no bloating no reflux, no burping, almost like my old self again.

I was having acid reflux prior to my gallbladder surgery so the doctor prescribed me this. It has made my anxiety shoot through the roof and gives me a sense of impending doom. After realizing what was causing it I called my doctor and she said it was safe to stop taking it at once.

Rapid heart beat, anxiety, nighttime wake-ups with anxiety and rapid pulse, headaches, pain near heart, rib pain.

Did not realize these effects could be from this medicine until I read similar complaints. I've been off medicine 4 days and don't feel any better. Anyone take awhile to feel better?

Drowsiness, chest pain, rapid heart rate, mood changes, confusion

It worked great for the heartburn, but honestly, I'd rather have the acid reflux than to go through what I experienced with the drug. I was confused about simple things and thought I was losing my mind, very drowsy; experienced dosing while driving, heart palpitations and chest pain. Will NEVER use again.

Famotidine distributed by Perrigo, Top Care lable. Took (1)-10 mg. tablet at bedtime. I felt drowsy 30 minutes later. I experienced high blood pressure with heart palpitations (skipped beats) for 5 hours. I could not sleep. I just took one dose and quit immediately. I guess I felt safe purchasing this OTC drug. I Will not do it again.

FAMOTIDINE (FAMOTIDINE): Famotidine is used to treat ulcers of the stomach and intestines and to prevent intestinal ulcers from coming back after they have healed. This medication is also used to treat certain stomach and throat (esophagus) problems (such as erosive esophagitis, gastroesophageal reflux disease-GERD, Zollinger-Ellison syndrome). It works by decreasing the amount of acid your stomach makes. It relieves symptoms such as cough that doesn't go away, stomach pain, heartburn, and difficulty swallowing. Famotidine belongs to a class of drugs known as H2 blockers. This form of famotidine is given by vein and is used to treat these conditions for a short time when you cannot take the medication by mouth. Your doctor should switch you to taking this medication by mouth when possible. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Awful. It reduced to a degree my anxiety, but also reduced any motivation I had. Had very painful abdominal reflux ( pain 9/10), which pain killers reduced to 7/10, hot burning stomach acid, burping and trapped wind. Belly felt solid like SEVERE colic. Due to long half life, endured this for two days!

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I am writing from Italy. After taking 3 pills of levofloxacin (levaquin) I started feeling pain in both Achilles tendons. It began om April 6, 2006. After more than 3 months the tendonitis has not subsided in spite of infiltrstione, electric applications and even homeopathic tretment. Severe pain in heels, inable to walk more than 50 meters. For longer walks I need a wheelchair. Fear of permanent crippling. Professional life completely disrupted. Doctors have no concrete treatment proposals. Even orthopeds do not know the side effects of the drug and do not know how to deal with it. I feel completely ruined. I am 68 years old. "Fortunately" no symtoms of psychiatrc or nervous side effects.

Dizziness,extreem fatigue, my head felt like it was going to explode

Anxiety, restless legs, upset stomach, fatigue

effexor ruined my life. at first it was wonderfull, i wasn't depressed anymore, i started socializing again, and my anxiety attacks were few between. but it didn't take away just my depression, it took away all emotion. i was numb, hollow. when my doctor asked how it was going, i didnt complain, when you have no feeling left, you can't find anything to complain about. after a few more weeks, i began to thirst for emotion again. a funny thing happens when you're numb for a long enough time, you crave feeling something,anything. i was desperate. i decided to wean myself off the drug, but it was tourture, so i gave up soon and went back on. (when i tried to get off of it, i was flooded with emotions so strong i couldnt handle them)i soon found out that i could feel emotions while on the medication only if they were intense enough. in the end,being so desperate to feel something i commited crimes for the adrenaline rush and fear, i was arrested, served time and had a huge debt to pay

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I have taken augmentin in the past. I always ask for it when i go to the doctor because it gets the job done right and the first time around. This is probably my fourth time taking this drug and ive never had side effects until this time around. It is awful....

The stuff worked great for a few years, with occasional use. Then I moved to the coast and at my Dr.'s direction, started using twice daily, 12 months out of the year. That's when the problem started.