Factive (gemifloxacin mesylate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Factive (gemifloxacin mesylate)

Had to stop after 2 days ... rapid heartbeat, flushing, rash, skin twitching, confusion, disorientation, neuropathy

Idiot doctor prescribed along with an oral steroid. Idiot doctor prescribed for sinus infection. Idiot doctor prescribed after a bad reaction to Cipro and Levaquin. This is another quinolone, for crying out loud!! It's only approved for pneumonia. It causes tendon damage, nerve damage, and its maker filed bankruptcy! Is the FDA asleep at the wheel?

achilles tendon tear and knee and foot problems

Side Effects forfactive (gemifloxacin mesylate) - User Comments


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Obviously my problem isn't so bad that communication breaks down, but it's still a major problem for me because I used to be a writer. I eventually had to give up my job. I have a hard time writing papers for school, and even emails take a long time. I use the cut-and-paste function and the thesaurus all the time. It helps just a little. My inability to write makes me very sad.I take a very high dose--4800 mg a day (1200 mg every four hours). It's a lot, but it's the only thing that works so I have no choice. As much as I hate the side effects, I hate depression more.

My triglycerides were around 450 and cholesterol 300. The Tricor dropped the triglycerides to ~150 and my total cholesterol to ~140. My HDL to LDL ratio remained low. The minor tiredness and muscle fatigue could easily be overcome with exercise. When the joint pain began in the 2nd year I did not associate my joint pain with Tricor. I increased my mineral supplements and started taking hyaluronic acid they initially overcame the joint pain and increased fatigue. When I started Trico I could physically work all day, but by the end of the second year I may have had two hours of stamina. When the bone pain began it finally clicked that my problem could be medicine induce. After finding this wonderful website and reading other patient’s reviews of Tricor I stopped taking the medicine. It took eight weeks for all of my symptoms to leave. I feel like a new man. I have moderated my diet and I am now taking Promise Activ Supershots bought in the grocery store and they have prevented my t

This drug helped me a lot. Starting in the first week of daily 3mg ingestion, I went from getting 3-4 hours (disturbed) sleep a day to 5-7 (undisturbed) hours a day. Not to mention I started sleeping at night, which wasn't the case before. My only problem was the hangover...it was brutal. It took me an average of 2 hours to really wake up in the morning. But at least I was sleeping, so I stopped caring about that after the first month or so. Right now, I am off it cause Medicaid won't cover me anymore, but as soon as I can figure out how to pay for it, I will continue taking it. Until something better comes along anyway. (BTW, this is the first sleep aid to help me significantly in 4 years...I tried Ambien, Halcion, Xanax, Valuim, Benedryl, Unisom, and Tylenol PM in the past. )

I took this stuff almost 9 hours ago and nothing. I drank 3 liters which is how much it says should take to work! I sat on the toilet for hours and still can't get anything to come out!

The exact same "head slapping" reaction occured with Effexor 2 years ago. Anyway, after reading the other comments here regarding side effect that later turned positive I decided to keep trying another week. Might be all this are just initial side effects. If the bird screetching episode happens again I'll check for feathers, this drug seems unpredictable enough on me, you never can tell...

I get post nasal drip and clogged ears this time of year and thought I'd try Flonase with my claratin. It REALLY helped with my ear and post nasal drip but by the 3rd day I was so off balance/dizzy. I didn't put the two together but after 4 days of misery, I didn't take it today and I am not off balance. MISERABLE! Helped but not worth the side effects.

Muscle pain in left arm, left shoulder blade and neck. Also have erection issues

Reduced to .625 for one month, headaches and edema gone but blurred vision, anxiety and dry skin. Increased to .9 and doing great. Taking BP meds for borderline high BP. Premarin does wonders for my cholesterol numbers, hair, skin and libido.

I will never have this poison injected into my body again. I am taking maximum milk thistle to try and balance my hormones and recover quicker. Please research this drug before having it

Am doing fine on 150 mg, though I was getting sad and losing energy and motivation by around 3pm-4pm time frame. Increased dosage to 300mg to see if it helped.