Exemestane (exemestane) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Exemestane (exemestane)

Hot Flashes, Loss of Bone Density, Hair Loss

My bone density was a loss of over 1 point and the doctor wants me to start Fosamax, I will not take that drug.

EXEMESTANE (EXEMESTANE): This medication is used to treat certain types of breast cancer (such as hormone-receptor-positive breast cancer) in women after menopause. Exemestane is also used to help prevent the cancer from returning. Some breast cancers are made to grow faster by a natural hormone called estrogen. Exemestane decreases the amount of estrogen the body makes and helps to slow or reverse the growth of these breast cancers. Exemestane is usually not used in women of childbearing age. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Drowsiness,insomnia,low energy only mild, positive it's that I got my life back on track now am able to hold down a job and have a good relationship with family and friends and a better overall mood. Everyone is different so I would recommend trying if your stuck in the ongoing everyday struggle to get money for pills and want to turn your life around but you got to want to do it and be ready to really stop what do have to lose if you been taking pills for more than a year which is I'm sure not much.

Tingling and numbness, blurred vision, tremors

Debilitating heartburn, tinnitus, blood pressure bottoming out, intense hand tingling, dizziness, drowsiness

My migrain started after six months, when I started viewing TV from bed in the revese way. Dr. suggested to view TV from bed by putting TV 6-7 feets height, so that it does not effect neck and need to view in the normal sleeping posture. I will get migrain whenever there is strain on the neck. Once effected by migrain I need to take Inderal 10 (morning at 7 am) Dolobak twice a day after break fast and dinner. This helping me alot in getting out the sever pain and head ache and could not concentrate on any thing and lot of disturbance in head (not able to thinking). Since last 7 years using Inderal whenever i attached by migrain and this tablet helping me alot.

I have been on this poison for 2 days. I have experienced all the symptoms above in the span 2 days, and I am getting off the drug. Please do not take this Drug. I am so glad I found this site, thank god for it. I have read every review and I am worried the side effects of taking this Drug for even a couple of days will last weeks. I am so mad Docotors prescribe this to people.

Can't sleep up from 1am now3.30 urinay retention weakness arms legs hands dry mth trembling hands unsteady on feet feel fluid in legs also have health problems fmd so not sure about this so called happy pill felt my brain closed off ? Not for me

****ADVICE FOR ANYONE TAKING LAMICTAL**** There is a way to minimize side effects relating to mental functioning and memory, almost eliminating them, that I works very well for people other than myself. Try it!:Take the Lamictal only in the morning. Taking it in the evening seems to negatively effect memory. After you take your regular dosage, ***go back to sleep*** for a period of half an hour to an hour. When I took it on my way out the door, I was in a "fog" for a few hours and had similar problems with intellectual functioning that I've read about on this site. When I set an alarm to take the lamictal in the morning and go back to sleep (not just lie down), the negative cognative side effects are gone! I told my psychiatrist about this, and he reccomended to his other patients to try it, and it worked for them too!!! I would be happy to hear from others if this technique works for others too, and be in touch by email. Overall, This medication has completely saved

i had some fungal infection on feet

While it has lowered my BP to acceptable levels, I still get migraines. I sleep fitfully for up to 12-13 hours and have a hard time staying awake during the day in addition to side effects I have already mentioned. Dosage 80mg extended release once daily. Side effects outweigh usefullness of drug for me.

Naseau, vomiting, dizziness, hot and cold flashes