Exalgo (hydromorphone hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Exalgo (hydromorphone hydrochloride)

Constipation, but it's mild. For a long-acting pain medication this is actually extremely mild and I do not need any kind of stool softener which is a godsend for someone like me.

I think I've tried almost every long acting pain medication out there and this is the one I stick with if I can afford it. More recently it has a generic which has become a recommended for many insurances in my state (that means the price has gone down dramatically from nearly $5000 for a month's supply to about $1500 out of pocket - with insurance I never pay more than $20 with the generic). It is the one long-acting pain med that doesn't make me feel like I'm dizzy or in a woozy state of some kind. I think very clearly and feel like I'm finally off those crazy meds that make you feel like you're always high on something. For me that high was unbearable and this is a great solution if you feel the way I do about many of the long-acting meds like this. Be sure to follow all instructions carefully though as there is a severe risk of death if you swallow a broken or damaged pill (these pills do not fully digest; there is a small hole in one side and the medicine sits in tiny pockets within the pill - any damage or crushing could cause the medication to release into your system all at once and cause you to stop breathing).I recommend these to anyone like myself who hates the feeling of narcotics and wants to feel like they did before they had to start taking pain medications. I know others who said this made them feel not great, but I don't metabolize most of the other medicines well (they go through my system far too quickly). I fully recommend this!

I metabolize meds quickly, so I feel like this one goes through my system quickly.

Overall, I like having a steady stream of hydromorphone. Just wished it lasted longer.

EXALGO (HYDROMORPHONE HYDROCHLORIDE): See also Warning section. This medication contains hydromorphone in a long-acting form. It is used to help relieve severe ongoing pain (such as due to cancer). Hydromorphone belongs to a class of drugs known as opioid (narcotic) analgesics. It works in the brain to change how your body feels and responds to pain. Do not use the extended-release form of hydromorphone to relieve pain that is mild or that will go away in a few days. This medication is not for occasional ("as needed") use. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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