Etodolac (etodolac) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Etodolac (etodolac)

I got a yeast infection after only taking it twice

For a fractured sternum, arthritis,

Nausea, ringing ears, strange taste in mouth, diarrhea, dehydration, insomnia, worsening pain in chest, acid reflux.

This is a horrible medicine. Aleve worked way better with no side effects.

It is great nerve pain relief.

Read the side effects and I feel it is not worth it. I have high blood pressure and high cholesterol and 60 and I don't feel my doctor took that into effect. Side effects are too scary for me to take Etodolac. I will just use otc medications with less side effects. Why would our government pass a drug like this is beyond me.

back injury from fall off a ladder

very sleepy; viscious heartburn unless taken DURING a meal and pain does not subside depending on time of day I take it

Pharmacist told me to take one with breakfast and one with dinner. If I forgot the one at breakfast I took only one that day with lunch - pain did not subside. I have healed enough after 30ndays now to take one a day with dinner. I do not like this drug in the am because it makes me so sleepy and rather loopy - not alert. This drug gave me the worst heartburn unless I took it with a meal like this: eat a little - take the pill - finish the meal. Also I needed to drink two full glasses of water it order not to feel dehydrated because I am also on two other meds. Mostly though I was disappointed with the pain relieving value of this drug: even when I took it as directed the first week I was still in pain. The pharmacist told me to give it at least five days of strict adherence to dosing at regular times. I got more relief from this drug after 5 days than I did from an OTC one like Aleve. But I don't know what it would have been like had I taken Aleve regularly for 5 days. Just not real happy with this drug's effectiveness initially.

Pain used at a anti inflammatory

Mild headache. Drowsiness even in the daytime.

ETODOLAC (ETODOLAC): Etodolac is used to relieve pain from various conditions. It also reduces pain, swelling, and joint stiffness from arthritis. This medication is known as a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). It works by blocking your body's production of certain natural substances that cause inflammation. If you are treating a chronic condition such as arthritis, ask your doctor about non-drug treatments and/or using other medications to treat your pain. See also Warning section. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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i have had leg pain, weight change, i have lost over 15 pounds, i cry all the time for no reason, i have blured vision, and am crampy. my dr put me on this as an added back theropy to lupron, she never told me the side affects.

I am on a generic of this drug.

It's changed my insane 3 week long PMS symptoms to a 2-3 day affair. My long, heavy and clotty period (needed to change an ultra max tampon every 2-3 hours) into a light/normal one (a light tampon lasts 4-5 hours now).Although I can't use it as contraception because I"m late far too often (3 hours is a missed pill and that sucks) I think I'll be on this for a long time since it's a life saver for me.I'm on this pill since I had very severe and abnormal side effects with the combined pill.

I would not recommend this for young children. Would love to hear of alternatives for controlling asthma (if my son even really has it).

Gas, cramping, incomplete bowel movements

I can't believe the difference this has made for me. I have energy and actually want to get up and going. I could have used this years ago. I wish I had realized how much anti-depressants could help me. I have been missing out on so much with my kids. I am happier now than I can ever remember.

Was put on Protonix for acid reflux. Immediate onset of symptoms including muscle pain near the joints (neck, arms, legs), overwhelming pain in lower abdomen/groin area, to the point I had my doctor examine me for double hernia. Worked great for the heartburn, but the longer I took it, the worse the muscle/joint pain became. Discontinued after 30 days and symptoms were gone within 2 weeks.

The drug helped my social anxiety, but the side effects were so severe that I had to stop taking the medication. All of the side effects were tolerable except the drowsiness which was so strong that I was unable to get out of bed most of the time I was on it. The drug also made me depressed.

This drug should be removed from the market for migraines. I only took it for 5 days, at the smallest dose. Any longer and I fully believe I would have committed suicide, and normally I am a very stable person. Of course my doctor thinks I made it all up, despite the fact that I visited her office 4 times in 5 days, and called 3 times in one day when normally I visit once or twice a year. We call this the crazy medicine.