Ethambutol hcl (ethambutol hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Ethambutol hcl (ethambutol hydrochloride)

ETHAMBUTOL HCL (ETHAMBUTOL HYDROCHLORIDE): Ethambutol is used with other medications to treat tuberculosis (TB). Ethambutol is an antibiotic and works by stopping the growth of bacteria. This antibiotic treats only bacterial infections. It will not work for viral infections (such as common cold, flu). Using any antibiotic when it is not needed can cause it to not work for future infections. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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panic attacks, PTSD, night terrors

I was given this drug to replace Klonopin which was making my hair fall out by the handful. I was taking 1 to 2 mg. of Klonopin and the doctor only gave me 0.5 of the Ativan twice a day. It really didn't have an effect on my anxiety at all. I think I need to take the same dose of Ativan I took of Klonopin.

I experienced some 'burnt tongue' and reduced taste sensation for the first two days. after continued use those side effects subsided. it has improved my oral health significantly and i am happy with it.

It made me feel nausiated, feverish, dizzy,cold & hot sweats,headaches, burning sensation in my chest(like heartburn), it basically felt as if i was given some chemical poison. What happened to amoxicillon??

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I tend to be hyper sensitive to most drugs. Even aspirin gives me unpleasant side-effects like heart flutters, nose bleeds and chest pains. I've been on Warfarin (blood thinners) since 2007 so I always check new drugs against interactions with warfarin. The Famotidine seemed to work fine for the first year. It gave me the ability to eat most of the foods I'd been eating before the reflux began. In the 2nd year the reflux came back. My primary care doc doubled the dosage. That was last year (2021). I also have Alzheimer's in my family tree, so when I started have serious short-term memory issues, problems with speaking .. searching for words, problems concentrating, depression, vivid disturbing dreams, etc. I presumed I was coming down with Alzheimer's. This added to my depression. I asked to be referred to a neurologist for a consult. The appt was so far out, it gave me time to research all my meds against Alzheimer's symptoms. I discovered that several of the 5 meds I was taking to control high blood pressure, borderline cholesterol, blood clotting, acid reflux, pain in calf's after walking a distance - most of these have been found to cause side effects that mimic Alzheimer's. I immediately stopped the cholesterol drug (a statin) that actually caused pain in the half and lower back pain in some African Americans. I dropped another drug that

longlasting bruising. Especially if I accidently hit my leg or arm to a chair or a table the bruise gets too dark and stays for years. Really I am not exagerating.

Went to ER on day 2 pill of 3. Extreme sweating fatigue feeling morbid. Evil spirit drug made by witches! This is not good. Be prepared for HELL! I am a strong man and this almost killed me. No more medicines for me. I took this in the past and it did not do this. Generics from some place trying to kill people. Maybe Big Pharma getting people sick with mental illness. Stay away to stay sane! Some people dont get the contaminated kind of Z pac.

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This med generally helps to reduce the frequency and intensity of my nightmares. I usually go up a mg or two if the nightmares return but the Prazosin does a pretty good job. It isn't a magic pill and some side effects can be frustrating but overall it's well worth it for me.