Estrogel (estradiol) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Estrogel (estradiol)

Breast pain and feeling jittery, but after 6 weeks this settled down and stopped.

Fantastic miracle gel. Feel like a new woman. Wouldn't be without it. Highly recommend.

apathy, easily irritated, low tolerance, huge weight gain, depressed, migraines, tired, and ready to give up.

Yet to go back to the doctor to be reviewed.

Extreme perimenopause symptoms

Miracle Gel! Stopped all migraines, nausea, hit flushes completely. Has changed my life and my families. I feel great every day, back exercising, sleeping great!

After taking for 7 weeks I bled for 3 days then it stopped. I ceased taking for a week and then restarted for a third month. I experienced depression and anxiety for the first week and am now feeling alot better although I have experienced a small amount of vaginal bleeding for 2 days.

Along with Prometrium these medications helped almost immediately with my hot flushes and depression.I will lessen my estrogel to 1 pump and see If this stops the bleeding

Bloating,stomach pain bowel changes weight gain gassy stomach, lightheaded

This gel has worked reasonably well for me I wasn't expecting it to cure all my meno symptoms and it certainly hasn't, but it has helped stop hot flashes and night sweats get none at all now, insomnia is much improved I'm no longer wise awake till 4am every night I still wake up a lot but able to go back to sleep and anxiety is much better, but my god it's been hard on my stomach the bloating and weight gain is bad and I'm so so gassy all the time it's definitely the gel as I've stopped using it and those symptoms go away but the other symptoms come back it's a trade off I guess, on higher doses of 3 or 4 pumps the bloating and gas went to horrendous levels, can't switch to patches either so guess I'm stuck to the trade off with the gel

Menopause anxiety/ vaginal atrophy

None - tingling breasts/ happy vagina.

Was given Oestradose by pharmacy..AWFUL! Bloating / breast pain/ swollen breasts/Went straight back to my lovely GP and found correct Oestragel & back on track €ï¸

Works amazing for hot flashes and night sweats, but oh my god the joint pain is horrible and the bloating and gas is beyond awful, my doctor said this was low estrogen and to increase the dose slowly went up to 4 pumps a day but my symptoms got very bad, so back down to 2 pumps, the bloating was so uncomfortable and I was constantly full of painful gas that moved all around my abdomen even into my chest, I'm now considering just stopping as it seems its caused more issues than its cured, it's never made me feel great.

Hot sweats tiredness body aches weak

Severe hot flashes and fatigue

Horrible headaches and grogginess (from progesterone maybe) harder to breath and bloating

Sleep better I take 2 pumps at night with progesterone helps sleep and less hot flashes after 1 week. Better focus and mood but slightly in a daze. Will give it a full month and see fingers crossed I can get my life back

Nausea, bloating, loose bowels, headache, lightheaded, ear congestion, tight calfs, fatigue, dry vulva and burning.

Has worked brilliant to stop hot flashes I have none at all, and anxiety is much better as is insomnia, I've slowly built up the dose to 4x pumps a day, 2 am, 2 pm, but the oddest side effect is the dry vagina and burning vulva, it is listed as a side effect but it also meant to help with those issues, I know it's the estrogel has when I stop using it, those problems go, but it works well for other issues but think I may have to stop using and switch to something else has can't stand the burning vag and vulva, tryed vagifem to counter that issue but that stuff is awful made every thing alot worse.

Hot flushes gone, almost immediately. Few side effects but was hoping it would stabilise hair loss too and it hasn't

Weight gain hungry all the time

Not expensive better than patches which keep falling off and are hard to source due to pharmacy's not able to get from their suppliers all hrt is gone short in pharmacy's

Awful headaches, stiff neck and shoulders, stomach cramps, loose bowels, insomnia, freezing cold chills, tense jaw, blocked ears, dizziness, extremely dry itchy skin, also caused a strange burning feeling around vagina and vulva.

Horrible have stayed on this far to long, doctors convinced me that it wasn't side effects but actual menopause symptoms, oddly it gave me vaginal atrophy type symptoms which the doctor said absolutely wasn't the estrogel yet in the leaflet it states vaginal dryness, irritation, pain and thrush as a common side effect, stopped using it and feel much better which confirms for me it was side effects, not sure what to do now due to my age I'm told I need to use hrt but not if it makes me this unwell, may try the patch.

Horrendous headache everyday, stomach cramps, aching legs, bloating, dizziness, ear congestion insomnia, tight jaw, wake-up clenching teeth, strange jittery feeling, itchy skin on and off, vaginal irritation.

Not doing too well with estrogel, I've tryed to stick with it in hope that things will improve, I just can't find a good balance 2xpumps I get side effects, thinking it was low estrogen I upped to 3x pumps, but the side effects got unbearable, so dropped back to too, still got headaches, the only thing it's done for me is keep hot sweats away, I've been on patches before and didn't like them, don't think I can continue with the gel just too many side effects, going to try the spray if that don't work, think I just have to accept hrt is not going to suit me.

Hysterectomy kept ovaries but have

No matter what dose I'm on I get an awful rage just feel so angry & tired. Not myself at all. Don't know if I'm having to much or not enough. Just gone upto 4 months see how it goes.

Before gel was very depressed couldn't work or take care of kids. I'm sleeping better but just struggling to find right dose.

Heart palpitations, severe headache, agitation, insomnia, tight jaw and anxiety, teeth grinding, no change to menopausal symptoms

Slight nausea but comes in waves, not every dayHeadaches first few days of starting

So far so good but very early days, increased energyHot flashes and night sweats totally eradicatedUsed with 10g utrogestan at night

Mild nausea, headache, aching calfs, bloating, eased with time the longer I used side effects faded

Works pretty well for me, there were side effects at first but that's to be expected with time they become less, aching calfs never went, hot flushes completely went away, I don't think anyone should expect hrt to completely cure all menopause symptoms, and not all hrt work the same for everyone I hated the patches especially estradot made me very unwell, but others think it's great, it's very individual and trial and error, but on the whole estrogel works best for me

ESTROGEL (ESTRADIOL): This medication is a female hormone (estrogen). It is used by women to help reduce vaginal symptoms of menopause (such as vaginal dryness/burning/itching). These symptoms are caused by the body making less estrogen. When treating only vaginal symptoms of menopause, products applied directly inside the vagina (such as this medication) should be used first. Estrogens that are taken by mouth, absorbed through the skin, or injected may have greater risks of side effects due to more estrogen being absorbed. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I started taking yaz become i was braking out a little bit also i was very moody after having my daughter ...yaz worked great for me my face was so clear and my mood swings went away i only complain about loosing so much weight i lost about 15 pounds

I am bleeding for the whole mnt abdominal pains, headache's, mood swings and weight gain very depressed want to change dr says must wait but can not take it any longer!

Depression, anxiety, nervousness, hot flashes, some fatigue, libido loss

Works great, no cramping like with imodium, no adverse reaction as I have had more than once with imodium

Depo Provera is POISON. It should NOT be on the market. The risks and side-effects are too great. After the thousands of horror stories I've read, I can't believe doctors aren't taking notice, BUT THEY AREN'T, so do your own research and don't let your doctor talk you into taking this drug. It's P-O-I-S-O-N! Always remember, doctors get incentives (trips, gifts, dinners, etc.) for prescribing certain drugs. Do not be fooled into thinking that your doctor is giving you drugs for your own good. Research everything you are prescribed. That's what is so great about the Internet.

I do not recommend twilight sleep with diprivan (or demerol or any other drug for that matter) for anyone - it was a living hell. Insist on a general anethesia that will let you sleep until you feel well enough to be up and about after a biopsy.