Estarylla (ethinyl estradiol; norgestimate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Estarylla (ethinyl estradiol; norgestimate)

I'm no longer taking this medication. Serious anxiety and panic attacks

First two months were difficult with spotting, nausea, bloating, and headache. Later, it was hard when I missed a pill or could not refill in time to get set back and start spotting again but I’ve stuck it out and am really pleased with it. I don’t experience any side effects. I take it in the morning.

high fatigue, loss of libido ,insomnia, spotting at random times in the month, depression and emotional lability throughout cycle. I thought some would away with time but they didn't. Ended up discontinuing the pill.

Have had severe migraines, very bad depression and anxiety, rashes going down my cheeks and neck, very bad acne that's uncontrollable even with products, troubles breathing, loss of appetite, loss of focus, feeling dead inside. I've only been on it for 3 months and all of my family and friends have been telling me I'm acting differently and that I'm not myself. Finally realized today that it was this pill after reading reviews. I threw them in the trash. Hoping to get back to my normal self again.

Most horrific panic and anxiety which I'd never experienced before, absolutely zero libido, feeling in a fog. It took me nine months to realize it was probably the pill and not just a nervous breakdown.

Immense fatigue, moodiness, depression, crying out of nowhere, anxiety attacks, weight gain (water weight bloating right away), stomach cramps and severe stomach pain. Please stay away from this.

(Backstory) I recently had fibroids removed in December, prior to that I was bleeding for 4 months straight. I received this to take to not get pregnant while I'm healing. I started the 1st of the year the 3 day I started bleeding, my moods were just off the charts up & down bad! I got cramps, headaches, blurred vision, bloating, the bleeding really threw me. Today I'm done I will not be taking it & I can't wait to see my doctor and let them know something

Nausea around days 14&15 that feels like it was getting worse, bloating (very gassy) in the first few days of taking medication

Norgestimate 0.25mg/ Ethinyl Estradiol 0.035 mgJust wanted something like TriNessa cause that's what I was on at one point back in 2017-2018 and that pill worked for me so my doc prescribed ortho-cyclen. Got this pill when I picked up at pharmacy. I had the implant Nexplanon in for 3 years and decided to go back to pills. started the same day that I took out implant, taking the pill at 8PM every night starting Jan 3rd, 2023. 15 days on it so far (01-18-2023) and first I had lot of gas/bloating. Went away after a few days and now days 14/15 I'm experiencing nausea that feels so bad I can't even get comfy in bed. Woke up feeling nauseous too. Accompanied now by stomach pain/upset most likely from nausea. I thought I was pregnant and took a test but nope it's just the pills. Looking now at the reviews I see a lot of the same issues like mine and now I'm worried they'll get worse or get new side effects. I know we're all different but it seems too many to say it just ‘varies person to person' so definitely wish I'd had researched what pill to take. Unsure if I will continue this medication.

Haven't even taken it 2 months but experienced problems right away. since I took it I experienced sever dryness down there and itching/ no sex drive what so ever. I am now experiencing breakthrough bleeding when my period is a week away among bad cramps. Never had a problem with any other birth control I tried. When I finish this pack I'm getting a different brand!

Horrible. I have been bleeding every since I started the pill over 3 weeks ago. I cry about absolutely nothing and I do not feel like myself. It is not worth all of these side effects.

Irregular periods. Heavy periods

I feel so good. My periods are now regular and I feel healthy. I would totally recommend taking it at night to prevent any nausea. I haven't experienced any.

Symptoms I experienced in the short time I took this medication: -INCESSANT itching of my face, chest, and arms.-panic attacks accompanied by crying fits, even middle of the night panic attacks, which I have never ever experienced before-severe nausea and stomach cramping-tingling in my legs at night to the point I couldn't get more than a couple hours of sleep every night.(think something crawling under your skin). I tried ice packs, heat, Xanax, compression socks - literally nothing helped. This of course added to the severity of the panic attacks.

I don't need this for contraception, and I told my doctor that. I don't even have my tubes! I only wanted to lessen my hormonal fluctuations, but this medication threw me off my rocker. I've tried Yaz and norinyl in the past with no real issues. Wish I had done more research into this one - FYI, it has one of the highest estrogen contents out there as far as pills go.

Estarylla regulated my period to a 28 day cycle lasting about 3-4 days however I now get horrible migraines beforehand. Other effects is regular moodiness at times.

Worst migraine headaches I have ever experienced right before period. They are so severe I have to be in bed for multiple days due to pain and nausea from pain.

I took estarylla for a year after my first son and started realizing a got severe migraines every month right before my period which I have never experienced before. I got off when I noticed they were probably due to birth control and was planning to get pregnant. After my second son I got back on them for a month and got another really severe headache before remembering how bad they were before being on this birth control! I will get prego 100x over before I ever take this stuff again! Miserable.

I just started taking Estraylla to regulate my periods and for prevention of pregnancy and let me just say i feel so off. My headaches are non stop. I have horrible cramps while i'm not even on my period. My acne has gotten worse. I feel bloated all the time and i have no sexual desire. My boobs are beyond sore.

I called my doctor today after being on this over 6 weeks. She said to give it two more months. I'm not sure I can. I've been literally having the worst and most frequent periods of my life. Which is ironic considering I went on this to reduce my periods. I have shooting pains in my nipples and breasts that were so strong I swear it'll make you whine. Lower back pain that radiates heat. Cramps that feel like knifing pain. And literally had only two weeks out of the 6 without periods or semi heavy spotting. I also have strangely been having nausea in the morning. I take my pill at 8 pm every night. If I drink more than two cups of coffee I literally throw up. Everything is just going wrong other than my skin looks great.

heavy, long periodsmoods swingsdepression, crying for no reasonheadache

this is the worst thing i have ever taken. i am not myself anymore and have been bleeding extremely heavily (bleeding through tampons at work in 1-2 hours, staining bedsheets) for nearly 2 weeks. I am stopping this immediately i am so miserable. avoid this is you can. i wish i read more reviews before starting estarylla

I switched to Estarylla after being on another BCP & began experiencing heavy & painful menstrual cycles. I've been on Estarylla two weeks (taking in AM) & I have been nauseated the entire time. I thought maybe it was due to GERD but I didn't take the pill in the morning yesterday & I felt completely fine. I switched to taking it at night but woke up nauseated today. Luckily I do not have acne but have noticed some mood changes. Everyone experiences side effects differently but I'm going to give this pill two months but if side effects don't decrease I'll be switching to an alternative birth control.

ESTARYLLA (ETHINYL ESTRADIOL; NORGESTIMATE): This combination hormone medication is used to prevent pregnancy. It contains 2 hormones: a progestin and an estrogen. It works mainly by preventing the release of an egg (ovulation) during your menstrual cycle. It also makes vaginal fluid thicker to help prevent sperm from reaching an egg (fertilization) and changes the lining of the uterus (womb) to prevent attachment of a fertilized egg. If a fertilized egg does not attach to the uterus, it passes out of the body. Besides preventing pregnancy, birth control pills may make your periods more regular, decrease blood loss and painful periods, decrease your risk of ovarian cysts, and also treat acne. Using this medication does not protect you or your partner against sexually transmitted diseases (such as HIV, gonorrhea, chlamydia). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Results from a bone density scan revealed a level of osteoporosis; resulting in the recommendation to take actonel. Following the instructions, I took my first monthly tablet of 150mg in the early morning. Later in the evening, began the uncontrollable chills, fever and the strangest and very frightening flu-like symptoms. In addition, neck, ear, shoulder, sternum pain. Difficulty breathing, vomiting, equilabrium problem, inability to sleep, anxiety. This lasted 2 days. I would also like to add, my primary care physician prescribed the actonel (actually gave me samples). First, I would recommend seeing a specialist if diagnosed with osteoporosis--and get a second opinion. Next, I would not recommend actonel. The published side-effects address the most common ones and not these extreme ones.

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woke this morning with heart tremors...have had terrible "charlie horses" in the last week as well as intense heel pain...did not put it together until this morning...years ago, when first put on Crestor, I had heart tremors and stabbing pain in calfs...and immediately contacted the Dr...was attempting to slowly introduce the drug by taking in 3x a week rather then every day...not a good drug for my body

Dizziness, fatigue, nausea, metallic taste, immediate weight gain (5 lbs), some hair loss, skin break-outs. Dr. claimed that drug doesn't cause weight gain, but I've never gained weight like this in my life (and so fast!) - there's been no change in diet or activity level to attribute it to -- I know it's the drug.

This medication makes it difficult for me to carry on basic functions, such as concentrating and left me feeling that something was wrong/missing... I've had days where I took it for three days and mentally I lost more than a week. Often sleep 10-15 hours within 24 hours of consumption.

My daughter just started taking Zyrtec. Today the school called and said she was having a nervous break down. She is not the same kid. She is depressed, has anxiety, and talking about things a child her age should not even remember. I feel horrible for giving her this drug. She keeps saying "mommy I'm sad inside."

Just going to add my experience to the list. 500mg taken at bedtime with low-fat snack, 1/2 hour after taking aspirin, as recommended. First 9 days was fine. Night 10 I woke at 2:00am with my face on fire and tight, like a severe sunburn. Felt faint, started to have an anxiety attack due to not knowing what was happening. Had my wife call 911. By the time the ambulance arrived, I was getting over the episode. Spent 9 hours in the E.R.: I.V., Blood work, cat scan, wanted to keep me for more tests. I will never take this again. 'Flushing' my butt...felt more like I was going to die! I glad I found this site to confirm my suspicions about this drug.

This is one of the only psychotrophic drugs I've taken that I considered a safe drug. Vistaril is very mild but fairly effective. It's also good for allergies and itching. Also will relieve nausea if you're experiencing it. I would highly recommend it to anyone who has anxiety/panic. Vistaril is good at preventing panic and shakiness. Can also work for insomnia. It's also approved to treat alcohol withdrawal.

i have an exquisite medical history and do not take meds other than ibuprofen occasionally, and do not drink but maybe once a year; was prescribed lyrica for a possible pinched siatic nerve.

weight loss, carbonation taste flat, tip of nose feels cold, burning in heels, tingling in pinky fingers, dry eyes, fatigue, temporary memory loss, and appetite loss