Esgic-plus (acetaminophen; butalbital; caffeine) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Esgic-plus (acetaminophen; butalbital; caffeine)

I used to take 1 to 2 tabs every 4 to 6 hrs ( for debilitating migraines, no more than 6 pills in one day. Not more than 3 times in 7 days.If u take it all the time u will get rebound headaces, plus it has a lot of CAFFEINE in it which can causes caffeine headaches. Including all the soda,coffee,McBrews etc... that many consume multiple cups times a day.

That was years ago, I now take Excedrin 2 caplets Q 4-6 hrs I seem to get better relief, the Esgic is used so rarely now ifI take them for a day my H/A gets worse.

Very little dry mouth. Dont take at night cant sleep!

It will keep you wired for about 4 hours. The best thing is the headache and neack pain goes AWAY in 5-10 min FAST!!! It will wake you up in the morning FAST!!! I take 1 in the morning and 1 in mid day helps me focus and work without getting fatigued....Thanks Doc...

Side Effects foresgic-plus (acetaminophen; butalbital; caffeine) - User Comments


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