Erythrocin stearate (erythromycin stearate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Erythrocin stearate (erythromycin stearate)

This is possibly the scariest medication I have been on - Feel numb all over after 5 minutes of taking one. Very Morhpine like feeling I am getting, Nausea and hunger at the same time! I'm light Headed, Dizzy and Exhausted and just cannot seem to 'hold my head up!' - Will stop taking and go back to doctor for something different

Felt so so sick, can't drink water. Gurgling stomach, with stomach pains - comes in waves, full of wind. Diarrhoea, light headed and can't sleep. Would rather have swollen painful leg. Not able to take penicillin as allergic - going to stop.

Voracious hunger pangs that could not be sated, mild stomach cramps, flatulence

About two hours after taking the second pill (with a large dinner at about 8pm) I started to get incredible waves of hunger pangs throughout the evening, lasting until about 2am. I tried having a bowl of cereal at about midnight but this did nothing and they continued, growing in intensity, finally leaving me squirming, sweating in bed and swearing quietly. The next day after taking 3 more I got to about 5pm, having had a the same intense hunger pangs and gut rumblings all day, which ended up bordering on stomach cramps. I stopped taking them at this point having read some of the reviews here and contacted my doc who said they were a "gut rotter" and suggested clarithromycin.I saw a review somewhere else which tagged erythromycin as "gut wrenching germ-buster" which is so apt I nearly spat my seventh bowl of cereal all over my laptop.Needless to say, ask if there's an alternative because this stuff is serious. I got off lightly looking at some of the other reviews here and I'm thankful I looked.

I failed to read the little waring label on the side so a stomach upset is constant wothout food. it didn't flair up until 24 hours after taking the second pill.

I slept on my side to keep the cramps down. You must take it with a fairly large meal to avoid the cramps.

ERYTHROCIN STEARATE (ERYTHROMYCIN STEARATE): Erythromycin is used to treat a wide variety of bacterial infections. It may also be used to prevent certain bacterial infections. Erythromycin is known as a macrolide antibiotic. It works by stopping the growth of bacteria. This antibiotic treats or prevents only bacterial infections. It will not work for viral infections (such as common cold, flu). Using any antibiotic when it is not needed can cause it to not work for future infections. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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