Errin (norethindrone) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Errin (norethindrone)

Great results for the first couple years. No pregnancy. Must take at the same time daily. There's a three hour window. If you take the next pill more than 3 hours late. I would have break thru bleeding or my cycle wound start early if I took it more than 3 hrs late. Great pill if you can remember to take it. After a year I started having cramps and pains. Felt much better when I stopped taking it immediately.

Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding

Rage, anxiety, shakiness, rapid heart rate, confusion, brain fog, extreme sadness, moody, irritable. Induced heavier bleeding. Opposite of what it was SUPPOSSED to do.Stopped taking it immediately. I’d rather live with heavy bleeding than mental illness caused by this drug. It was so scary. I’ve been off of it only two days and I still have anxiety. Hope it goes away and I didn’t do permanent damage. Don’t trust big pharm or the doctors. Trust what your body is telling you. I even had to pull the car over one day and I started sobbing out of the blue uncontrollably I felt like I was going crazy.My moods have never been like that I’ve never had any mental problems my entire life. My brain didn’t know what to do with the synthetic hormone my body reacted to this drug like it was poison trying to figure out what to do with it.

ERRIN (NORETHINDRONE): This medication is used to prevent pregnancy. It is often referred to as the "mini-pill" because it does not contain any estrogen. Norethindrone (a form of progestin) is a hormone that prevents pregnancy by making vaginal fluid thicker to help prevent sperm from reaching an egg (fertilization) and changing the lining of the uterus (womb) to prevent attachment of a fertilized egg. If a fertilized egg does not attach to the uterus, it passes out of the body. This medication also stops the release of an egg (ovulation) in about half of a woman's menstrual cycles. While the "mini-pill" is more effective than certain other methods of birth control (such as condoms, cervical cap, diaphragm), it is less effective than combination hormone (estrogen and progestin) birth control because it does not consistently prevent ovulation. It is usually used by women who cannot take estrogen. To reduce the risk of pregnancy, it is very important to take this medication exactly as prescribed. Using this medication does not protect you or your partner against sexually transmitted diseases (such as HIV, gonorrhea, chlamydia). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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For treating major depression. Started with 25mg for first 2 weeks, started with 50 mg for next 2 weeks. Not really doing better yet. Heard that 100 mg is the typical dose for treatment, but have to gradually increase dose to lessen side effects. Haven't started therapy yet. Maybe it will help.

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Right from when my daughter was born and I started taking this pill my mood changed for the worse. I had uncontrollable anger fits, and never felt happy. Nothing excited me ever... Didn't want to socialize or do anything. Felt like I could go the rest of my life without sex and be fine with it. Always felt tired even when I was getting between 8-10 hours of sleep per day. I've only stopped this pill for 3 days but already I feel better. A bit more like my regular self that I never thought I'd see again.

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I was fine for the first 4 days, in fact it cleared up my UTI, but on Day 5 I became weak, had a headache that no amount of Ibuprofen could get rid of, lost my appetite, felt nauseous and very tired. By Day 6 I was full blown 102 fever, chills, vomiting, and extreme weakness, through to Day 7. I assumed I contracted the flu and it needed to run its course, and thought nothing of the possibility it could be the Bactrim. By Day 8, I woke to the usual fever and chills, but as an extra bonus I had an itchy red rash over my entire body, and had blood in my nose. That's when I started researching side effects for Bactrim and found this site. Thank Goodness!!! It was as if these reviews were telling my story!! Needless to say I will NOT be taking the last 2 days of this horrible antibiotic.