Ergomar (ergotamine tartrate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Ergomar (ergotamine tartrate)

Ergomar pills the only thing that could stop my migraines. Otherwise my migraine could get too severe to work and/or last several days. The ergomot Helped somehow to relax me, mellowed out the pain and I could finally sleep and wake up without migraine after 8-10 hours. Sometimes would take compazine to help with nausea.

Revolting green tablet made me nauseous. Did not help migraine.I took it when I was in my early 30's.

helped a little. got violently ill if ingested any alochol while ergotamine was still in my system.

switched to maxalt. much happier with it.

ERGOMAR (ERGOTAMINE TARTRATE): This medication is used to treat or prevent a certain type of headache (vascular headaches such as migraine headaches and cluster headaches). Ergotamine helps narrow widened blood vessels in the head, which reduces the throbbing effects of vascular headaches. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Headaches, bloating, chest pain, stomach pain, fever, difficulty in breathing.

Only took 1 dose, but felt paranoid, confused and unable to judge time or make decisions for the next two weeks. In my view Larium is very dangerous. Felt I was going insane. Do not ever take it please!

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OK - I posted some other side effects, but just noticed someone else posted about missing menstrual cycle. I just had the lightest cycle EVER and thought that it was very unusual. Never even thought about the connection to the Lamisil. I will be sure to bring this up at my dr's appt as well.

Horrible anxiety, getting up walking around not knowing what I'm doing, freaking out not being able to think

My 4 year old son was prescribed Zyrtec and Singulair last fall. Shortly after beginning, I noticed severe behavioral changes. He become very irritable, aggressive, and non-compliant. He had taken Zyrtec before, and I didn't really notice any changes, so I attributed the behavioral changes to the Singulair. I took him off of both meds and things went back to normal. We started back on Zyrtec a week ago. Five days in, he is exhibiting the same behavioral changes as last fall. I stopped giving it to him today.

I would NOT recommend this pill. I feel like a different person now(not in a good way either). I started off on Yaz and got headaches on a daily basis but compared to Loestrin it's worth it. I'm switching back to Yaz after this month is over

I Love it...! I take it daily and on time everyday. I haven't had any side effects and have a very great sex drive, my fiancee and I love it!

Superficial Basal Cell Carcinoma

Ignore the people who rate this who have only taken it for a matter of days. If you take heroin or cocaine a few days they won't seem so bad either. Keep on them though and then you'll see how horrible they can really be. Prednisone likewise is a horrible drug that can cause permanent damage. I took it years ago and I still live with its effects and I always will you. It's horrible for your general health and IF you have any positive effects they will only be temporary. I did not have positive effects from prednisone, only bad ones.