Epitol (carbamazepine) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Epitol (carbamazepine)

Tired and sleep a lot depending on the time I take it. (During facial nerve pain or just a regular dose)

Works great, sometimes I'm overly tired & sleep a lot but better than being in unbearable pain all day. Hopefully I can ween off even more. I'm currently at my lowest dosage 2 times a day & only take more during an episode

seems like it may have slowed the circulation to my hands. they get cold easily.

EPITOL (CARBAMAZEPINE): Carbamazepine is used to prevent and control seizures. This medication is known as an anticonvulsant or anti-epileptic drug. It is also used to relieve certain types of nerve pain (such as trigeminal neuralgia). This medication works by reducing the spread of seizure activity in the brain and restoring the normal balance of nerve activity. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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This miracle drug has saved my life it is unbelievable from taking it just within an hour no sweats been grounded by sweat for over six years and now nothing only dry mouth but it’s something that you’ve put up with just half an hour without sweat thank you kind regards

Shingrix was highly recommended by my MD; he mentioned Nothing about possibleside-effects. Got first Shingrix shot fromsenior pharma-tech at CVS last November(2020), one month after my flu shot. No side-effects with either shot, other than a sore arm at & near the injection site; soreness lasted twoweeks. Had to put 2nd Shingrix shot on holduntil my Covid shots (Pfizer) in late Feb. & mid-March 2021. So glad I waited a monthto get the 2nd Shingrix vax (04/19) -- *had noidea it would be so unlike the first shot.Received shot from same CVS pharma tech at 5pm Monday. To my surprise, by 10pm, startedtrembling with deep chills & felt unwell, likecoming down with something nasty. Shook withintense chills under many blankets all night.Around 10 next morning, I was just able toshuffle into the kitchen to make tea &swallow an Advil. I live alone. Did not haveenough vigor to make a sandwich or take awarm bath. Texted my sister in Ontario Canada.*She said Everyone she knows who got Shingrix was "wiped out" after the 2nd shot; hence, she had been putting it off. My sister is 15 mos.younger than me & had a long career in hospital admin.Headache-y, general malaise & extremely tired & sluggish day 2 & 3. *Late yesterday, I finallystarted to feel like me.Have read many comments here. Sure hope this is the end of feeling icky, with no more surpriseafter-effects in store.Can't sugar-coat it; the 2nd Shingrix vax wasbrutal. But still better than dreadful Shingleswould be. *Do worry about elderly getting theShingrix vax.

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When my son was very young he took Zyrtec for his allergies. During this time, the smallest thing would make him get extremely upset and angry. He would throw a fit for a couple hours and nothing we could do would settle him. He had no pain tollerance as well. Our older child had to have perfect behavior with him because anything could set him off. It got so bad I thought I was going to have to take him to a therapist. He had been such an easy going child before this. Fortunately he was a very articulate child and during these episodes he would be crying saying he couldn't control how he felt and didn't know why he was so angry. I read a blog that others had written about the same reaction, unable to control anger and no pain tolerance. I immediately took him off the Zyrtec and he returned immediately back to his sweet easy going self. He has been off it for about 7 years now and is the sweetest child you could ever meet. DO NOT PUT YOUR CHILD ON ZYRTEC!!!!

Taking Biaxin XL 500mg bid, on 9th day- Severe bloating-I barely ate in the last 9 days, but feel like Ive gained 20 pounds! Psycho dream that I was kidnapped by a cult in the middle east, and they were going to cut off my hands with a machete- SO REAL!! Absolutely NASTY, DISGUSTING rancid taste in mouth for whole course of treatment. My eyeballs feel like they are drying out, and my skin is super dry as well.Side effects are absolutely horrible! No signs of mood changes, depression, anxiety, fatigue, or dizziness. I have been working every day while on the drug, without much trouble. Seems to have killed off my chest infection pretty well, but hard to say if the side effects are worth it.

My period started within days of taking this pill when it wasn't due for another two weeks. It was a full period. Have continued to have an upset stomach a week and half after taking it. Also, breast were extremely swollen and sensitive. Very, very tired.

my hair did fall out after 2 months. I have gained 10 lbs. The appetite did seem increased from before I was taking Yazz. Also my breast are larger which I did not need.