Epiduo (adapalene; benzoyl peroxide) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Epiduo (adapalene; benzoyl peroxide)

EPIDUO (ADAPALENE; BENZOYL PEROXIDE): This medication is used on the skin to treat acne. This medication is a combination of adapalene (a retinoid) and benzoyl peroxide (an antibiotic and skin-peeling agent). This product may decrease the number and severity of acne pimples and promote quick healing of pimples that do appear. Adapalene works by affecting the growth of cells and decreasing swelling and inflammation. Benzoyl peroxide works by reducing the amount of acne-causing bacteria and by causing the skin to dry and peel off.. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


Related User Reviews

I do not recommend this pill to anyone. I felt like dying. The horrible side effects were enough so that I went to the hospital. I now have stomach problems which I did not have before. Since quitting the pill my headaches, nausea and vomiting have subsided and I feel like my body literally cleansed itself. Please DO NOT take this drug.

Balance Issues/Mild Panic Attacks

Would not recommend this to anyone! I am on day 8 of 10 and this drug made me feel even more sick than I was to begin with. Felt like a train had hit me.

Singulair may be helping her asthma and allergies some, but I don't think these side effects are worth it.

A bit tired first couple of days, tingly hands and feet but this go away if I take grapeseed extract. I also recommend you take a very good multivitamin with this as Topamax is a strong drug that can deplete your body from some nutrients.

Please keep yourself very hydrated with water and consistently drinking liquids they really do help with the side effects

Only side effect was being tired. Works wonderful the tabs you can take at home are not as well, but still do the job. Perfect for fast acting.

this drug made me eat like a fat cow. I would have breakfast, and then be eating an hour later. And it went on and on all day. Even with Topamax, I still ate about 8000 calories a day. Needless to say, I ballooned out. DO NOT listen to anyone who says it's weight neutral. PFFFFT!

Cannot take more than 200 mg. without fluid retention and pain in wrists. Experiencing headaches.

After being diagnosed with Endometriosis in July, my doctor decided to have me take this birth control pill to help with the terrible, stabbing pains of the Endo. I must say, I noticed a huge difference in pain decrease the next day after taking my first dose! I have not been in pain for a week now! Thank you Cryselle!