Entyvio (vedolizumab) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Entyvio (vedolizumab)

I do experience more joint pain but it's not debilitating, just need to drink more water/electrolyte's when active and take magnesium before bed after hikes or dancing all night! I've been able to go back to my life of fun, eating delicious foods, going to festivals, having a drink or two without horrible stomach pain and diarrhea.I do have a very low immune system and seem to catch colds & flus extremely easily, so taking my multivitamin and extra vitamin c and zinc when I'm out at festival, parties or traveling is necessary.All in all Entyvio has been amazing for me, and I hope long term it doesn't take a toll but this last two years has been a blessing!

I take Entyvio every 6weeks, I haven't been able to move up to 8weeks. My body metabolizes the medication to quickly and i begin to have crohns symptoms again.The infusion appts usually take about 1hr-1.5hrs

Severely affected my system caused acute liver failure UTI ,Then a bacterial infection of my skin also affected my fistulas caused my whole rectum to swell up and get infected n that's not even the bad part I'm off the drug for 8 weeks now and I can't even stand up with the pain in my back and joints absoluteTorture it's putting me threw. Plz be careful with this drug

I have the immunity now of an aids victim. I can't even fight off a common cold.My hair is falling out, I can't sleep, lower back pain, and to top it off I got shingles that I've now passed on to my kids and we now all have chicken pox. That's all I need onto of a completely flattend immune system and feeling lime I haven't slept in weeks. I have chosen to no longer continue with the treatment and I am terrified of the damage its done so far.

Do not allow your health care provider put you on this cancer causing drug.There is a warning that it can awaken the HPV virus in your body if you've ever been in contact with it and it can fast turn into cervical cancer. It awoke shingles in my body.

Within hours felt colon activity increase. Have been on a downhill slide since first infusion 10 days ago. Autoimmune conjunctivitis, joint pain, worsening GI symptoms. Third biologic. First two didn't work, but didn't do damage. This one clearly not for me. Had disease over 10 years.

Know it works for others. But felt I should post as it's not for everyone.

Severe bone and joint pain, skin afflictions, eye infection and skin infections, almost had a stroke after first treatment, chills and sweats, fatigue.

I am in remission however the side effects increased to the point the quality of life decreased.

No major lasting side effects, no issues during or after infusion. Initial disruption of normal menstrual cycle has also subsided. Clogged ears and some sinus drainage as well as dry skin around eyes have persisted in the last couple of months. Muscle ache/leg pain just began after my 14th infusion, otherwise no joint pain to this point.

I am close to full remission, eating without diet restrictions, currently at one infusion every 8 weeks.

Fatigue. Joint/lower back/ leg pain. Loss of appetite/weight.Perianal symptoms worsened/ appeared on this drug.

Little or no improvement in symptoms or blood work during 6 months on this drug for a flare following years in remission on another drug. Apparently its a slow burner but the fact that some symptoms have got worse probably means I'm a non responder for this drug. Tried increase in infusions to 4 weekly..no change. May work for some and perhaps more useful for maintaining not inducing remission.

Has been great for colitis symptoms.I now have bad insomnia and teeth clenching during sleep.

Worked for colitis but unsure how much longer can I take putting up with severe insomnia and teeth clenching.

I've had Crohn's Disease for 20 years and been prescribed around 15 different medications to manage it that either weren't effective or caused severe side-effects. This drug has given me no side-effects so far and it worked more effectively for me than anything. I take it every 8 weeks at an infusion center and it takes about 30 minutes for the infusion (this wasn't a choice for dosage frequency on this site). I'm in and out in about an hour. The Remicade infusions used to take me all afternoon and I used to get those every 6 weeks, so this is a lot more convenient. This is a great, great drug for people who have tried a bunch of things and its not working.

Fever, increased severity of IBD symptoms (e.g. diarrhea), very bad cramps, deep fatigue, loss of appetite, thickening of colon, panic attacks, POSSIBLY responsible for my endocrine pancreatic insufficiency, moreI can not believe that there are only two other reviews for Entyvio on this site.I have read over one thousand posts reporting adverse reactions to Vedolizumab all over the web and I barely scratched the surface.Please explore all of your options and if your gastroenterologist bullies you in any way, find a new one immediately.

This is the only drug that has controlled my Crohn's disease gut symptoms for the long term. I've had no side effects and it gave me my life back. It's great that it's gut-specific since it seems to have less risks, but due to this if you have extra-intestinal symptoms from your Crohn's then you will have add something else. I had a good 3 years with no real extra-intestinal symptoms while using Imuran with Entyvio, but now I am trying to find other other options as my arthritis and iritis flares. However during the last 7 months of the flare, gut symptoms have been in check with Entyvio.

The infections literally almost killed me. I've been told by my team of specialists that I'm very lucky to have made it through the episode I experienced with Entyvio.

Within a one week span, I developed a pneumonia so severe that I had to have a thoracotomy to clean out three liters of empyema (hardened infection) from my chest cavity, a collapsed lung, two total surgeries, a month in the hospital, followed by two months of home care for IV antibiotics and wound care. Pulmonologist told me it was the worst case of pneumonia he'd seen from an otherwise healthy person. This stuff is horrible! Be sure to be very vigilant about fever and infection.

ENTYVIO (VEDOLIZUMAB): This medication is used to treat certain bowel disorders (ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease). In these conditions, the body's defense system (immune system) attacks healthy tissues in the gut, causing symptoms such as abdominal pain, blood in the stool, and diarrhea. Vedolizumab belongs to a class of drugs known as monoclonal antibodies. It works by blocking the actions of a certain natural substance (integrin) in the body. This helps to decrease swelling (inflammation) in the gut, which lessens symptoms and may slow or stop damage from these bowel disorders. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Bled for 1 month straight in the beginning and had to take prescribed estrogen pills for a week to get back to normal. I was on it for about 1 year and gained approximately 10 pounds during that time. I know it was from the shot since the weight gain was around the mid-section (never happened before) and i had been on many different brands of the pill without experiencing this side effect. I lost the weight within 6 months of being off of it without dieting.

At 300 mg, lingering side effects (after initial adjustment): dry mouth, slight weight gain, some slight memory problems, tiredness, inability to drink alcohol. I'm also taking lithium, so that could be responsible for some of these.

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effexor xr worked very well for me... i loved it .. if it wasnt for the sexual side effects i would still be on it. might be different for you, i would definately give it a try ..its not as scary as people say it is.

I was expecting the worst since i'd stupidly spent too much time online reading Bactrim horror stories, but I was fine. I've probably had more side-effects from ingesting too much vitamin b.For a couple of hrs on the first day I felt a little warm and flushed (which freaked me out initially since I thought that was a precursor to something worse) but it passed.It's only realistic to expect SOME side effects when taking a new drug, especially an antibiotic.