Entocort ec (budesonide) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Entocort ec (budesonide)

Nausea is the biggest concern with this stuff. It is a great med.

Where to begin. It is a steroid that is not supposed to get absorbed but some of it does. I have found that taking the capsule apart allows me to wean off of it much easier. I also start off with a small dose one capsule or 3mg and build up to 9mg if I need that. I have found the only generic brand Mylan brand to have 20 beads inside which makes it easier to wean off. All the other brands have very tiny beads which are difficult to count and wean off with.

Excessive burping, easy bruising, nausea, severe upper abdominal pain, indigestion, muscle soreness, and headaches.

It has stopped my diarrhea for the most part. I used to have diarrhea 8 times a day, now it is 1 solid movement a day and none or one bout of diarrhea. But it is causing problems with my gallbladder, now

This medicine has caused me to become extremely tired, sleepy, fatigued. I’m so tired through our of the day. I have also been getting severe burning and pain in my muscle and joints since I started taking this. My indigestion, heartburn has been more constant. And for the most part, I am just “out of it”Feeling.

The Pros: I have not had urgencies to run to a bathroom. My stomach pain is so much better. Over all Crohns is better. Just not sure if I can continue due to my bad side effects

Similar to prednisone. Anxiety. Insomnia. Hunger. Rage. Moody. But these are milder than pred. It does not cause nausea, acid reflux, gerd, or other stomach problems as it does not release in the stomach; because of this reason it is most definitely worth trying.

It is very expensive in America.

I took 3 mg a day of this for maintenance, up to 9 mg a day (3 mg three times a day) for flare-ups, for 10 years. In the eighth year i developed extreme thinning of the skin and easy bruising - any bump turned into a huge red or purple mark. Went off it to find that, right now at least, condition is in remission and controllable with Imodium or Pepto Bismol. Bruising has ceased, skin still thin. However, as soon as I went off it my arthritis, which had been very mild, grew more severe, and the pollen allergies I thought had gone away came back with a vengeance. Sigh.

This was a miracle drug for me. Asacol had no effect whatsoever and plugging myself up with 12 tabs a day of Pepto Bismol was beyond miserable. If the colitis flares again I will go back on it, perhaps trying 3 mg every other day. 3 mg seems to be the lowest possible dose as it comes in capsules.

None for the first several months. After taking it for 9 months, I started to notice "prednisone-type" side effects... slow and steady weight gain (up to 20 pounds now), mood swings, etc. My Dr. then informed me that this has been happening to many people who stay on it for an extended period.

Entecort REALLY helps my symptoms at the 9mg dose but when I was trying to wean, I found I was having a resurgance of symptoms on the 6mg and had to go back to the 9mg. We're going to try a new drug now.

Entocort has been very effective for me in controlling symptoms Microscopic Colitis (Collagenous). Initially the dose was 9mg. per day and that dose was gradually reduced to 3mg./day. This medication has been effective for me, where the 5ASA’s -- Asacol and Pentasa – both failed miserably. In fact, I can maintain good copntrol for weeks at 3mg. every other day with – some assistance from a gluten REDUCED diet.

If you have Crohn's symptoms exclusively in your colon, this is made for you. I get problems from mouth to backside, doesn't seem to be helping anything north of my large intestine. Not helping my diahrea (sp?), or severe pain in my stomach.

Nothing I can pinpoint on the drug. I have the usual Crohns stuff, like arthritis and fatigue, no matter what drug I'm on.

This drug has helped. It seems to be more effective than purinethol or asacol was for me. I have occasional bad flares and some symptoms while on it. If I watch my diet and stress levels, then I have mild symptoms. I had more flares when I was on the other meds.

ENTOCORT EC (BUDESONIDE): This medication is used to treat certain bowel conditions (such as Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis). While budesonide does not cure these conditions, it may decrease symptoms such as pain and diarrhea. Budesonide is an anti-inflammatory drug (corticosteroid hormone). It works by decreasing the body's natural defense response (immune response). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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First I would like to mention I would take any of the side effects I had any day over the pain I was having before on Lupron. Was on Lupron for 3 months. Bad Headaches,mild hot flashes,tiredness,some mood swings. After first shot did have some spotting for 3 weeks. It worked for shrinking my cysts and helped with all my endo pain!! and NO weight gain!!

Headaches, acne, vaginal tenderness, nausea, abdominal pains, mood swings

My daughter (almost 10) has been taking since March. She has become very depressed, irritable, goes into rages that last up to 2 hours. Her pupils become dilated and its like she is not even there. So bad we had to call police on her!

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On lithium to control mania, but anxiety quickly followed along with the side effects. Ambien at 6.25mg (1 at bedtime and 1 after 4 hours) got sleep patterns back after a week, then began reducing the lithium to get back out of the side effects. It worked the last time too. Seems good sleeping habits and exercise helps stay out of the mania pattern. Does anyone else have poor sleeping habits that eventually lead to mania episodes?

Took this because of hayfever my eyes water terribly because of hayfever, beconase did wonders but recently the past 2 weeks started feeling unwell mainly with headaches and panicky and light headed, off balance, thought it was stress with work and home but found this page and im not taking beconase again i would rather put up with streaming eyes than feeling like i do, this needs more of a warning on it

I'm not sure why but this drug is really the only drug that stops the pain associated with Prostatitis. There are times when I'm in so much pain I can't do much of anything but this drug lets me sleep. I try to keep is down to ONE pill in 24 hours at most but God knows it lets me sleep and forget about the pain for a little while. It also allows me to urinate if I run the shower and let the water splash on me.