Enoxaparin sodium (enoxaparin sodium) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Enoxaparin sodium (enoxaparin sodium)

Painful bruises and knots. Knots stay for a long time.

ENOXAPARIN SODIUM (ENOXAPARIN SODIUM): Enoxaparin is used to prevent and treat harmful blood clots. This helps to reduce the risk of a stroke or heart attack. This medication helps keep your blood flowing smoothly by lowering the activity of clotting proteins in the blood. Enoxaparin is an anticoagulant, also known as a "blood thinner." It is a type of heparin. Conditions which increase your risk of developing blood clots include certain types of surgeries (such as knee/hip replacement, abdominal), long periods of being immobile, certain types of heart attack, and a specific type of chest pain called unstable angina. For some medical conditions, enoxaparin may be used in combination with other "blood thinners." (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I would NOT recommend Loestrin to any other woman. The first few months everything was okay but later down the road I started having problems. My cramps returned and headaches returned along with my period. My period also became heavy again. While taking this birth control I have had reoccurring yeast infections, probably more than 5 within the year. Others have complained about the yeast infections as well. I was so fed up I stopped the pill mid-pack. Now due to ceasing the medication I have worse mood swings than before while taking the pill and am very easily irritable. I have also had two periods in two weeks. Hopefully my body return backs to normal soon and I will welcome the old lengthy periods with open arms.

i do feel better now that i have been on the drug 2 weeks and would like to stay with it if i can get past this awful jaw thing. if anyone has experienced this side effect significantly i would love to hear about how you dealt with it so please email me.

A little sleepy sometimes. Very easy to fall asleep at night. Easy to nap.

I was not in pain when I started the drug, my doctor just thought I might need it??? So I took it for 22 days and each day I had more and stranger pains. First my thumbs ached, then my back started hurting and I would wake up super stiff. I just kept feeling progressively worse and worse like I was aging quickly!! I decided to stop it and I felt better immediately. Sent a message to my doc and she didn't believe me. It's not on the list of side effects.... well it should be.

Additionally when I went off Zyrtec, I developed a major migraine type headache followed by extreme nausea and fatigue. Went away after a day.

I am 33, took the drug when I was 18. Although it completely cured my acne and made me a much happier person, I am now still suffering from side effects. The nail on my thumb still sometimes splits lengthways, although very rarely and it isn't really an issue, just looks horrid. But my main problem now is my skin on my arms and particularly my legs is so thin that I just scratch an itch and I draw blood. My legs look absolutely awful, so I tend to keep them covered. Which I suppose is better than having to cover my face and not being able to wear strappy tops etc.