Enjuvia (estrogens, conjugated synthetic b) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Enjuvia (estrogens, conjugated synthetic b)

Thought I had pneumonia, steep throat, ulcers, dementia, broken ear drums......HORRID SIDE EFFECTS. Stopped right away, and felt better in 48 hours. Nausea and dizziness left me unable to walk or function at all.fluid in lungs, and swollen body.

I have noticed no side effects -other than the obligatory weight gain I would love to blame on Enjuvia rather than self-gratification!

When I missed a pill, I did not have the immediate headache by morning that I used to have on Premarin. Enjuvia seems to do a better job of replacing my hormones as I noticed increased energy and enthusiasm for life within a week or two of starting it.

None at this dose. Breast pain with higher dose, but that's to be expected.

Not as potent or long lasting as Premarin, but no side effects. The manufacturer needs to offer higher doses than the 1.25 mg. I have to take a .9mg plus a .625mg daily to feel right and it's expensive.

Side Effects forenjuvia (estrogens, conjugated synthetic b) - User Comments


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I was sent to many specialists and all tests came back normal. Not one doctor suspected the Ativan was causing all these symptoms. I found out through my own research, and also, that the same thing has happened to many other people.

I would never take this drug again. I feel horrible.

The first month I used NR I had chest pains so I went to the hospital and they couldn’t find anything wrong with me. I suggested the NR but the dr didn't think that was it. I also contacted my GYN and she told me to continue using it. After about 10 days the chest pains went away. I had cramps when I was on my period, which I never had before, throughout the month I would have lower abdominal pain, and I had a lot of discharge. Eventually I experienced extreme headaches every day, sore throat, very tired, memory loss, confusion, my balance was off, constant nausea, my knees hurt when I walked, my arms and legs (especially my right leg) would shake when I would stand and occasionally when I would sit, when I would read it would take me a minute to figure out a word (easy words) it was like my brain was on a delay or I would read the word incorrectly. I also had pains in my legs and arms. Once I had all of these symptoms I went to my general dr and told her about my symptoms and told her I was using the NR but she didn’t think that was it. The nurse and the dr looked puzzled when I explained to them all the issues I was having. The dr suggested a thyroid problem or lyme disease, so I had blood work done, but again everything was negative. Then I found this board and read through all the postings and found that a lot of what I was experiencing other women on NR had experienced too. So I took it out immediately! I just hope no permanent damage was done to m

depression started within days of using Micronor, weight gain/ bloating, my period is longer than before

Have been on this for over 4 months after having tried a few others with worst symptoms. All BP meds are band aids for underlying conditions that MDs are too lazy or time constricted to investigate. I was always very active and healthy, non-smoker, limited alcohol consumption. Feeling much worse since being on this medication. Going to jump back into aerobics for cardio benefits, and will try alternative therapies and naturopaths! Advise others with debilitating symptoms to do same. FYI, one MD admitted (when asked) that acupuncture does work for some patients - something I learned from RN friend. Research for yourself. Also, COQ10 and fish oils proven great for your heart, add to your regimen for better heart function.

Anxiety, anti social, general sad feelings.

still trying to see if they are related to diphenhydramine

Only thing It did do was stop irregular bleeding but I was bettter of before

I am extremely fatigue all the time and has been experiencing minor lower backaches for a couple months now.

sometime jittery,palpatations, insomnia