Embeda (morphine sulfate; naltrexone hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Embeda (morphine sulfate; naltrexone hydrochloride)

Had a bad side effect from this medication. Made me very dizzy and gave me nausea. Took all day to shake the side effects.

EMBEDA (MORPHINE SULFATE; NALTREXONE HYDROCHLORIDE): This medication contains morphine in a long-acting form and naltrexone. It is used to help relieve severe long-term pain (usually lasting longer than a few days). Morphine belongs to a class of drugs known as opioid (narcotic) analgesics. It works in the brain to change how your body feels and responds to pain. Naltrexone belongs to a class of drugs known as opioid (narcotic) antagonists. It is combined with morphine to prevent crushing/dissolving the medication for abuse/misuse. The highest strength of this drug (100 milligrams per capsule) should be used only if you have been regularly taking moderate to large amounts of opioid pain medication. This strength may cause overdose (even death) if taken by a person who has not been regularly taking opioids. Do not use the extended-release form of morphine to relieve pain that is mild or that will go away in a few days. This medication is not for occasional ("as needed") use. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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