Elestat (epinastine hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Elestat (epinastine hydrochloride)

minor eye burning, irritation. Increased phlegm (yes).

The side effects were all described in the package.

ELESTAT (EPINASTINE HYDROCHLORIDE): This medication is an antihistamine used to prevent itching of the eyes caused by allergies (allergic conjunctivitis). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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This medication essentially created a 3 year hole in my life. It turned me into a zombie. I didn't properly take care of myself and had no ambition to do anything. I was very angry all the time and still cannot believe the way I treated the people around me. I stopped it abruptly and now have my emotion, feelings and memory back. My memory is great for everything before the drug and for the 2 years since but for 2012 and 2013 especially, I really have virtually no memories. It's like I didn't even live it. I really wish I knew was I was in for sooner and ironically, was so zoned out because of it that I didn't have the ability to see what was happening and stop it. Luckily, the university expunged those years from my record, but it's still time and money I'll never get back not to mention my 6 year relationship.

bipolar disorder? / schizophrenia?

I am a professional musician (French horn) in a symphony orchestra and used to suffer from pounding heart, shortness of breath, dry mouth, and shaking when playing exposed solo passages. For years I was told that beta blockers turn you into a zombie with no creativity or artistry. I have found it to be a godsend - my mind remains totally clear and focused, and instead of having a negative effect on my creativity, I now find I can communicate musically much better without all the shaking. I only take 10mg a few times a month when the need arises, so the chances of side effects are practically nil. Highly recommended.

I would not like to be using this drug as my regular pain medication. I used co-codramol (2 x 30/500mg) and ibuprofen (1 x 400mg) alternating 3 hourly at the most and try taking less, also use TENs. Morphine sulfate is good for severe bursts of breakthrough pain not covered by your usual pain management. I think it dehydrates hence the constipation and hangover effect so not so good for daily use for me. Glad its changed other ppls lives though. Used twice previously for post op acute pain.

Rarely I feel an intense muscular pain in my chest. Very intense but short lived.

My daughter was on singulair and zyrtec for about a year and a half before I started to realize that it was negatively affecting her grades at school. She was unable to remember things from day to day, concentration seemed to be an issue, and at home I noticed her becoming more irratable and sensitive. Once I realized that the medicine could be the cause of the symptoms, I discountied both. Things have improved in all areas. Before taking these medications, my daughter did not exhibit trouble in school.

some nausea, cramping, lower back pain and white curd-like discharge almost immediately after taking it.

After being on Plaquenil for one (1) month I developed an itchy and blotchy red body rash on my arms, abdomen, back, legs and also a burn-like redness in the face. I contacted my Fam. Med. who saw me the same day and he contacted my Rheumatologist and they decided to take me off the Plaquenil for now. It has only been two days since I stopped taking the Plaquenil and the rash has faded a bit but has not completely disappeared. Also, my tongue is very red and feels like when you burn it by drinking something very hot (?). My Lupus was caused from the drug Crestor which was prescribed for high cholesterol. I thought it would go away after stopping the Crestor but was told that, in fact, it was here forever. I am so so so angry!!!

percocet relieved all my pain symptoms, very effective but VERY addictive, which wasn't realized till I tapered off it. Terrible insomnia and mood swings. Percocet eliminates the pain, so you feel you can do more physically, but remember the pain is still present along with the physical problem, so take it easy.