Edurant (rilpivirine hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Edurant (rilpivirine hydrochloride)

Huge improvement over Atripla. Less side effects. Very Mild fatigue. Use with truvada. However Dolutagravir looks promising .

EDURANT (RILPIVIRINE HYDROCHLORIDE): Rilpivirine is used with other HIV medications to help control HIV infection. It helps to decrease the amount of HIV in your body so your immune system can work better. This lowers your chance of getting HIV complications (such as new infections, cancer) and improves your quality of life. This medication is usually prescribed to people who have not taken any HIV medications before. Rilpivirine is a non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NNRTI). It blocks the virus from growing and infecting more cells. Rilpivirine is not a cure for HIV infection. To decrease your risk of spreading HIV disease to others, do all of the following: (1) continue to take all HIV medications exactly as prescribed by your doctor, (2) always use an effective barrier method (latex or polyurethane condoms/dental dams) during all sexual activity, and (3) do not share personal items (such as needles/syringes, toothbrushes, and razors) that may have contacted blood or other body fluids. Consult your doctor or pharmacist for more details. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Suicidal thoughts. Worst experience of my life.

I didn't really have side effects except for a slight itching once or twice.

initially just a bad taste in my mouth that sent me rushing to the bathroom to brush my teeth several times throughout the day. Then an incredible thirst that wouldn't go away. Finally it's made me very emotional (I am prescribed citalopram for depression) I cried all afternoon and felt hopeless. It's my 3rd day taking this medication and I've stopped it due to the side effects. Hoping GP will replace with amoxicillin. I will never go on this medication again. I've never had a problem with antibiotics before and my ear infection hasn't changed one bit!

Aortic Aneurism/aortic valve replac

my 3 year old son was put on this for reflux, as he had been having recurrent sinusitus infections. After 4 days he has had uncontrollable coughing, little or no appetite, and very irritable. Day 5 he has runny nose & fevers, and continues to have uncontrollable coughing. I took him to the ENT Doctor today, and he said that he was probably having an adverse reaction to the Prevacid. He said that maybe 50 out of 1000 people will have a reaction like this where instead of helping, it exaggerbates the symptoms. We found out 2 weeks prior to this that he was severly allergic to Prilosec as well.

It was a Tuesday I had gotten up to use the bathroom and fainted, hitting my face on the floor. later on that day I fainted for more times. so I went to the ER. When I got there they gave me Compazine through IV for the nausea I was feeling from passing out. Also gave me a Perscription for it as well. I took it for three days, I was feeling a little bit of side effects but on the third day which was Christmas I felt like I was going crazy my eyes kept on wanting to look at the ceiling i had no controll over them at all. Then my head started to fall back, so far my head was touching my back! and I couldnt move it, my throat closed up and I couldnt breath! My bestfriend rushed me the the ER were they gave me Benadryl through IV. It was the most painful and scariest experience ever! This medication should be banned FOREVER!!!!! My body still hurts!

The gas is very painful, however, my uti seems to be getting better. I wouldn't recommend this medication.

Joint pain and stomach aches after eating (during the first week or two of treatment.) This subsided with continued use. Brief heart palpitations shortly after taking higher doses (>40mg).

I f***ing LOVE Ativan. I've been on EVERYTHING for my panic disorder... all the SSRIs, Effexor, trileptal, gabapentin, buspar, propranolol, lamictal, betaxtol, prazosin with no luck but this medication works. No side effects except some sleepiness. When I took Ativan it was the most normal I'd felt in a long time, and it lasts for a good 8-12 hours too. I was only given it for exams though, and as if now I'm stuck with buspar again which does nothing for me but make me sick to my stomach. My doctor refuses to give to me again because of the risk of addiction, but I've tried everything else and some of the other meds he's put me on have had some dangerous side effects that have almost killed me. Go figure.

The first day I took it, it wasn't with a meal, and the next morning I threw up twice. I was nauseous a lot of mornings. I also had to eat if I stayed up late, because if I went to bed hungry, I would be more nauseous in the morning. I could deal with that, but the mood swings were killer. It majorly affected my relationships with people. I was depressed for the first month, and it was a cycle of feeling bad, crying, feeling a bit better, then going back to bad. I wanted to wait it out two or three months to see if the side effects went away, but I couldn't handle it and had to stop. It did help a bit with cramps, but not much with length of my period, and it was heavier than normal. Only really good thing was that my breasts got bigger.