E-mycin (erythromycin) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for E-mycin (erythromycin)

My son is retching and vomiting after food which is frustrating because you have to eat with this drug and he's probably vomiting the drug before it can have an effect.

made me not want to go out of the house but i had to to do things it was embarrassing and made me cry am feeling very low

Severe stomach pain. Took 400mg X 2 at night and again the next morning. Was hit at about 1pm with severe stomach pain that had me doubled over for 1hr. Pain reduced but returned with a vengeance at 7pm. Doubled over with stomach pain for the next 3hrs. No vomiting or diarrhea. This drugged wrecked what should have been great weekend away!

SEVERE abdominal cramping and diarrhea for like a week even after stopping the emycin.

the side effects were terrible and i ended up with some sort of colon infection caused by the diarrhea which was caused by the emycin. i had to be treated with flagyl to get rid of it.

Side Effects fore-mycin (erythromycin) - User Comments


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Have all but lost my sense of smell and taste. At first things tasted or smelled funny. Then I couldn't smell or taste at all. I am tapering down now since I have lost the weight and do sleep at night, I hate to think the sense of smell is lost for good!

If I take the tiny dose of .25 it might help a tiny bit with no noticable side effects. When it just does nothing and I double the dose I am very weak the next day. I feel as if my hand weighs ten pounds. I have had plenty of swelling, not sure if it is related though because I also had changed another med when it started happening. So to sum it up if I take enough to help it makes me a blob!

depersonalization derealization

1st dose no issues, 2nd dose terrible side effects. Flutelike symptoms next day including muscle pain, chills, aches, terrible headache, tiredness. All have lessened except for neck pain on day 4. Told by the nurse I would feel muscle pain at the site of injection, no other mention of other symptoms.

I have been very good about taking the pill at the same time everyday (even set an alarm) but every morning I wake up to break through bleeding ranging from really light to tissue discharging to a full on period but it will go away completely towards the middle of the day

Nausea,trouble sleeping,weight gain,stopped mentrual cycle

I haven't experienced any side effects from Lunesta. It works great for me. I've taken it for over a week and nothing. I was worried about the bad taste after reading posts, but none. I just take it with about 8-16 oz. of water.

great medicine. have a chronic cough that keeps me up at night when I have attacks. This medicine allowed me to function. Much better than codeine/guafensin,

I was given Biaxin 500mg for 7 days when I went to see a doctor for sty/chalazion. A doc. also noticed conjuctivitis so perscribed me this (Biaxin 500mg, 2 times a day with food). It also cleared up my sinus infection (which I didn't know I had but cleared up my sinus so I guess I had mild one).I would probably take Biaxin again only if I could find a way to control diarrhea.

Dark circles under eyes; waterweight in legs; horrible aches; high blood glucose; depression; stupidity that even my wife commented on; beginning of kidney decline