E-base (erythromycin) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for E-base (erythromycin)

Mild stomach discomfort if taken on empty stomach. No other side effects.

I have been taking this drug for several years now, with no ill effects. Liver functions are completely normal.

Side Effects fore-base (erythromycin) - User Comments


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Wondering if I should pay the full amount for ministren fe 24

I get loose bowels but not so bad that it bothers me.

I thought this medication was supposed to be a diuretic but I've had such water retention in my feet that I can't wear closed shoes!Plus the insomnia is driving me crazy.And then again, the gastrointestinal disorders are enormous (I suffer from IBS). Still, the insomnia has made my IBS worse and so has Yasmin.I still have 7 days of active pills to take but I stop today! Can't swallow this poison any longer!

So far, good. It has only been one day and I "feel" better. No side effects yet but I really haven't given it a chance yet. I feel "normal." Will post back after some time.

chronic sinus pressure, stuffiness

Dizzy within days and panic disorder within weeks. Don't take this drug, it will ruin your life. Even after taking myself off this drug I still suffer panic, depression, and anxiety. This drug needs to be recalled. I've contacted fda and next I will be contacting Obama. THIS IS S BAD DRUG, please do not take it.

Now has moonface, big fat stomach, pimples all over my body, cannot sleep well, very irritable and now slightly psychotic, depressed, stomach pains and shooting pains in other parts of my body

Severe stomach ache, ringing ears, extreme muscle spasms in lower back

I was prescribed Repatha after open heart surgery in March 2021. My first dose was around May 1 of last year when I started Cardiac Rehab. That's when I noticed the pain in my hips and thighs. I had a past history of other drugs masking the effects of statins a few years back, I was concerned it would happen again. It did. The past 8 months have been hell. I had to put my TMJ therapy on hold. I had my lower back freeze up in October for a week. Mistook the side effects for withdrawals from Lyrica and Clonodine (off now). Had a visit to the ER in Jan. for chest pressure (no heart problems found). Was treated for reflux. The pain in my body exploded in Feb. when I got sick with Covid. Everything hit the fan.The shaking and anxiety was terrible, I was fighting panic attacks all day. So I'm going off my Calcium channel blocker to eliminate that drug.That leaves the Repatha. I woke with severe muscle cramps in my calves after my last injection last week. Yesterday I researched the side effects and found these reviews. I don't know if there is anything I can take that won't cripple me. But I'm done! I'm told I need to stay active but right now that's not happening. Walking is getting harder. It took 10 months to get my LDL down to 68, but now my triglycerides are 249!. I think my immune system is fighting this medication.I recommend if you try Repatha, make sure you are not on other medications that can mask its effects. That way you won't be on it very long.

I have never experienced both depression and anxiety until I started taking this BC. Due to my anxiety and depression I have had troubling thoughts and struggle sleeping. Sometimes I do not have an appetite for any of my favorite foods. Moreover, I have lost 11 pounds within those 3 months. Lately, I have felt nauseous, angry, anxious, and have been breaking out like crazy. I do not recommend this dosage or brand to anyone.