Duricef (cefadroxil/cefadroxil hemihydrate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Duricef (cefadroxil/cefadroxil hemihydrate)

Amazing! I had to ask my GP for it since it's a new ATB and everything else makes me sick. I've been through z-pak, Levaqin, Cipro etc. all of which had horrible side effects but not Duricef. No anxiety or crying spells either.

It took a while to kill the bacteria but I actually felt better the first night after taking 1 gram. I went from feeling very sick to getting my appetite back in one day.

Side Effects forduricef (cefadroxil/cefadroxil hemihydrate) - User Comments


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I will never take this pill again. Since I've been on it, I have been a raging psychotic bitch and had no idea why. The only thing that I could think of was it being the Microgestin. Once I started looking up people's reviews and read their experiences with it, I knew for a fact this is the cause of it. I have had the most random crying spells every day no matter where I am or what I'm doing. They're uncontrollable. Also makes me feel so nauseous. I would rather deal with my cramps than this!!! Don't even consider this pill.

Excessive sweating, especially while asleep and in the morning, feel tired at times and not in the mood for sex.

I felt very weird especially at night and in the morning hours. I feel dizzy kind of spaced out and not myself at all. I also felt very lightheaded like I might pass out. Other symptoms included a tightness or lump like feeling in my throat. I have heart palpitations and a lot of nervousness. Also noticed that my stomach was very bloated .

I went from 168/101 to 128/60 in 3 weeks the Lotrel 5/10 wasnt strong enough...it lowered initially but wore off by morning...the 5/20 lowers 24 hrs for me

Vomiting, chapped skin, depression, weight loss.I was on Accutane for 5 months and did not see results during or after my treatment. I started at 80MG and then my doctor tried to up my dose to 120MG. (I weight 124LB.) My pharmacy refused to fill the 120MG dose because it was ILLEGAL?!

VAGINAL BURNING! Weight gain, headaches or migraines (lasting for days and weeks at a time), body aches (usually legs), severe mood swings, depression, major decrease in sex drive, tender breasts, lack of energy etc... This product should be pulled from the market, please don't take it!!

I have gain weight, about 15 pounds since May, and I can't loss it. Also, my hands and feet are usually very cold.

a little neasea on .50 but overall great results tried a higher dosage because rls symptoms worsen before my menstrual cycle and had difficulty!

gastrointestinal problems i.e. severe cramping, horrific headaches daily

Menopausal symptoms/low progesteron