Dupixent (dupilumab) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Dupixent (dupilumab)

DUPIXENT (DUPILUMAB): This medication is used to treat a skin condition called eczema (atopic dermatitis). It is also used along with other medications to help control and prevent symptoms (such as wheezing and shortness of breath) caused by asthma. Dupilumab belongs to a class of drugs known as monoclonal antibodies. It works by blocking certain natural proteins in your body (interleukin-4 and interleukin-13) that may cause inflammation and swelling. This medication should not be used to relieve sudden asthma attacks. If an asthma attack occurs, use your quick-relief inhaler (such as albuterol, also called salbutamol in some countries) as prescribed. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Took once monthly actonel at 6 a.m. Sunday. Was extra careful to sit upright for an hour. Day uneventful until 8 p.m. Bach ache and muscle pain severe by 10 p.m. Next day muscle spasms so sever that I couldn't move ANYTHING that didn't trigger one. Labor pains were nothing like this. Family doctor thought I'd had a heart attack and sent me by amubulance to the ER. All tests were negative. Gave me a big pain reliever IV, sent me home with Rx for Flexeral and an anti-inflamatory. Life normal for 30 days. One month later, having a fresh bout of spine and muscle spasm attack. I am a healthy with no medical problems.

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The drug knocked out infection the first time within week, thought I came down with flu like, cold like symptoms and then just took a pill today and am having the same after 10 days of first round, red in face, sunburn feeling. Itchy, itchy, burning throat, burning skin, pain in joints, and rash. I am going to switch drug.

I had a lingering case of herpes which I couldn't shake. My sores had gone away, but other symptoms lingered 2 months before I tried Valtrex. I felt a lot better after just one 500 mg pill. and the 6 pills my Dr. prescribed knocked it out. Amazing!!

I was diagnoised with Pure OCD, you know the kind that's all in the mind. Not like tics or rituals. I suffered from severe depression, anxiety and the worse panic attacks ever. I was so distraught after being on numerous meds, I'm sure most of you know what I'm talking about. Anyway, I take 150mg 2x a day. Taking it at the same time everyday is very important. Before this drug I had no energy even in my perfect word of everything having to be perfect from my home, kids, husband, entertaing, etc. it completly exhausted me. I was dying inside. The depression was the worse and the anxiety and panic I truly believed that I was going to die. This did destroy a 14 year marriage. Thank God that my Doctor told me about this drug and started me on it. The side effects were so minumal and almost istantly I had relief. Within 1 week I was sleeping without being woken up with panic attacks. My anxiey still can bother me but I take kolopin 1mg for that and only when needed, it only takes about 20 minutes to kick in. The best thing about this drug is I have not had one depressed day since about 6 weeks into taking this drug. And the greatest side effect ever is that my mind has finally shut up in the 46 years of my life. Well I must say one more excellent thing about this drug is that I have never been able to focus on anything, I am so completly focused, it's amazing!!! I would recommend that if you are prescribe this drug, please report to your Dr. any side effects. Mine went away almos

ankles swelling -blushing of face -cramping everywhere excessivestomach pains and bloating waight gain!pannic attacks short but they happen- throat closing when eatting palpatations !!

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After one full day I had numbness and tingling on only left side of body. Severe lethargy. Did nothing but sleep while taking. By day 4 the tingling was very minimal but the lethargy remains. However, it DID help my leg muscle spasms. My leg is feeling better and I am torn on whether to stop them or not.