Duoneb (albuterol sulfate; ipratropium bromide) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Duoneb (albuterol sulfate; ipratropium bromide)

Immediate severe reaction on Saturday, 6/30. First inhalation I wanted to tear out my throat/tongue and it felt like my lungs seized up. Immediately stopped treatment and started benadryl. Saw my doctor today as I was still having trouble with my throat and tongue. Tongue and throat have hives and are completely, horribly, red and inflamed. Still treating with benadryl along with cold salt water rinses, cold drinks, and soft foods. Was told that if, in the next few days, it doesn't clear up I have to come back in for another round of. I felt bad for my doctor because he felt horrible. I told him how we were supposed to know if I never tried it before. Big note in my chart not to EVER use this drug again.

It may work well for others. I just had a sever reaction. It may not be the same for others who use it.

Dry mouth. Bood psi excursions?

Is this ok for sulfa alergic people?

Side Effects forduoneb (albuterol sulfate; ipratropium bromide) - User Comments


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I have been on and of different meds, sometimes not taking any. Vyvanse helps me focus, and pay attention, but some side effects suck. I'm talking to my doc in a week about the shrinkage, thats the side effect that keeps bothering me. What? Should I go through life motivated and castrated? I'm more confident but side effects blow donkey dick. I weigh 155 lbs and don't get hungry anymore, it got a little better after a couple days though. I also feel anxious like I need to do everything at once, my mind will race but I'll be sitting still. Penis looks dry and shribbled.

I have the same severe side effects as those listed by other patients below--sudden sharp, stabbing pains in joints and muscles that migrate all over my body--a headache that feels like the lining of my brain is inflamed. I run a low-grade temperature and feel like I have the flu. I have difficulty walking at times. I should mention that I am a small woman, 120 pounds, and my vitamin D level was checked and is sufficient. I've taken this a year and the symptoms did not get better. I won't be taking Boniva again. Life is too short.

Seems to truly help diarrhea due to IBD, and I do need extra sleep, but the horrible dreams seem real. I fall asleep during the middle of the day after sleeping over 8 hrs. at night. That has never been me, ever.

Stopping it a day early. I need sleep, not insomnia!

Nasonex prescribed by doctor to deal with sinus headaches and nasal passage inflammation. I did not experience any nasal congestion prior to Nasonex (despite the inflammation). By the second day of Nasonex, one or both nostrils are completely blocked. Now, I can't sleep because I can't breathe out of my nose, and I'm pissed off and tired.

Worked great for hives. Hives are gone!, and no more itching. I just feel like if you took a pin you could pop me, just like a balloon. I have gained weight on this drug, and increased my exercise and went on a strict diet, and I can't loose an ounce! I think it slows your metabolism down unfortunately.

Headache the next day. Sore legs and calves. Itchy, red eyes, stinging. Restless sleep and pretty groggy the next morning.

I have only taken about 7 of these pills and starting having anxiety almost immediately. Last two nights have been especially rough, Thank God for my wife. Doctor just told me to stop taking it.

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