Dulera (formoterol fumarate; mometasone furoate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Dulera (formoterol fumarate; mometasone furoate)

My lungs shortness breathing sore legs back stomach. Coughing flem thrush

Onset of anxiety that worsened each day; depression; suicidal ideation; belief that I was better off dead; panic attacks

Dulera was one of the most terrifying drugs I have ever taken. I went quickly from being a normal husband and father with a good life to wanting to harm myself. Symptoms subsided about a week after stopping the drug.

This medication worked great to keep me breathing but seriously affected my mind, i had headaches, major anxiety, foggy head, almost like dementia, its awful now dr wants to test me for dementia. But its getting better since i stopped this poison

found an article stating that dulera had a 50 percent chance of causing memory loss in women 50 -59. Sent it to my dr and he is is shocked. That explains my issues please be careful with this

Sinus congestion, hoarseness, eye pain, floaters,confusion, strange headaches

Ive been on this medication for 4 weeks now and I hate it, i think it is over kill for my mild asthma dr wanted me to try this one as flovent did the same mental brain fog as this one so i wqs using ventolin frequently, of course my dr and pharmacist say the side effects are not from the medication. I take one other medication and it wasnt until i started this one that ive been like this! I dont pull these symptoms out if the sky! Drs annoy me as they never admit that meds cause these issues and then wanna give u more drugs for the side effects! Ive decreased the dose to 1 puff twice a day and it seema to be working but i cant handle the steroid, so im gonna stop it and take my chances !

I was prescribed Dulera because my asthma had gotten so bad due to mold in my rental house, that I had to be on prednasone. I am one of the few people had got horrific anxiety and panic disorder. I also had "breath hunger", where it never feels like you can take a deep breath.

My menstrual cycle is usually very consistent, but after taking Dulera for two weeks (200/5 mcg two puffs twice a day), my period started a full two weeks early. I also periodically felt the sensation of a lump in my throat (like the slightly painful feeling after swallowing an air bubble), but I also experienced this side effect while using Flovent HFA.

I have late onset asthma (started at age 38) and usually control it with Flovent HFA and Albuterol as a rescue inhaler. When these stopped working, my doctor offered a two-week sample of Dulera (200/5 mcg). After just one use, I saw improvements in my symptoms. I began sleeping through the night again, and I was able to engage in vigorous cardiovascular exercise without needing a rescue inhaler during or after exercise. After using the full two-week sample of Dulera, I was excited to try a reduced dose, but my insurance will not cover a prescription. The cost is too high to pay out of pocket (>$300 per inhaler), so I am looking for an alternative option.

Coughing up mucous, severe sore throat, sinus congestion, headache, general malaise, headache.

A new doctor started me on dulera after telling me I used my rescue inhaler too often. I have many health issues and my asthma is the least. This medicine instantly caused burning in my mouth even after the suggested rinsing of my month after use. After two weeks I have such a severe sore throat I can barely swallow or speak! My sinuses are completely inflamed and I’m having headaches. I already have a compromised immune system, seizures and bone loss so after doing research on this medication I am shocked that this doctor prescribed it for me! I stopped taking it yesterday and will never take it again.

I experienced central serous retinopathy in my eye from my husbands usage. He experienced irribility, weight gain, shaking hands

I was not on the drug, my husband used it and it gave me a side effect just being around him. Horrible drug

Severe anxiety and depression. Fatique. Muscle spasms in feet and hands. Doctor had me on flonase and singular as well. Too much medication!

It did work for telief of breathing. I didnt have to take my rescue inhaler much at all. Good improvement but the side effects are not for Everyone! I cannot wait to get off this medicine and feel well again. I am slowly cutting back on my dosage.

Breathing test and allergic asthma

I will never use again! It's poison! Caused the back of my throat and roof of my mouth to be so irritated, red and inflamed.also a horse voice and constantly needing to clear my throat. I refuse to use another inhaled steroid! Also, don't know if this is related but my period has gone on past one week now. NOT normal for me. Goodbye dulera!

Steroids are not good. Do not take unless absolutely necessary!!!!

hospital..bronchititis, difficulty breathing

I believe that Dulera was responsible for my getting sick & hospital stay.... Even after coming home & continuing Dulera I still have difficulity breathing & not healing well... I am stopping the inhaler & going back to Qvar until I talk to my Dr....

Pain under the ribs .no strength left very dry mouth. lots of pain in and around chest and back.the most astonishing thing is not taken a puff in18 month but the pain is still there .avery bad medicine. The doctor prescribed the medication to get $20 coupon from the parmacutical company.or to make them rich

2 puffs felt like a kick in the chest. 15 minutes later I was dizzy, and felt about to faint. I had mild tachycardia, had to wait in doctor's office 3 hours, after taking Benadryl, for the symptoms to lessen.Since I can't take albuterol, I won't be taking any more breathing tests.

Extreme weight gain. I have gained close to 30lbs despite regulation of food consumption and exercise. Constant Sinus and Congestion in chest and nose. Coughing up thick mucus for about 6months now. Fluttering feeling under my ribs at times. Tired and lack of energy.

Hoarseness, mucus, increased appetite, weight gain, numbness in arms/hands, and fatigue.

Dulera has definitely helped me control my asthma. I would say that the constant mucus and the numb arms/hands are the worst. This is my second time in 2.5 years getting back on Dulera. I did not experience all of these side-effects the first time around. I only had the weight gain which I'm still trying to work off on top of the new weight! This week, I started to take 2 puffs every other day. My asthma is still under control for now, but I want to see how the rest of my body responds to my new regimen. If this side-effects continue, then I will ask my doctor for something else i suppose....

The first couple of weeks I just noticed a little hoarseness, but at around a month I started having all kinds of side effects: strange headaches, tiredness, bad anxiety (which I don't normally have) and my period started coming every three weeks. I stopped taking it, and within the week the anxiety disappeared, within a couple of weeks the headaches went away and after about three months (!) my period returned to normal.

I switched to Dulera from Asmanex because my doctor thought it would improve my lung function. I am not sure how well Dulera worked for me, because I couldn't stand the side effects. Not a good experience overall. Switching back to Asmanex.

Medication works well, noticed a change in my breathing immediately. Now after taking it a few months I've put on 15 pounds.

voice is hoarse, weird pressure in my head/A typical headache I guess, tingling around jaw line and head, tightness of chest, nausea...

was on Advair for 9 yrs till insurance said they wouldn't cover it anymore.. Never had a problem with Advair.... gonna try something different. If that doesn't work I guess I will pay for Adair in full :(

Changes to menstrual cycle, weight gain

Have been on dulera for 6 months. Previously periods were VERY regular, same day every month. Now I have no idea when they are going to occur. And I've gained weight. Was previously on advair for 10 years but doctor made me switch. Both had bad side effects, can't decide which are worse.

heart palps. Weight gain of 20 lbs in a year. Dry mouth.

Was horrific getting off this drug. I've been on a lot of melds including opiates, morphine, benzo and quit without any problems. I stopped Dulera due to side effects and so far it's been a week and I feel like I'm going to die. The muscle pain and weakness and nausea are the worst.

DULERA (FORMOTEROL FUMARATE; MOMETASONE FUROATE): This product is used to control and prevent symptoms (wheezing and shortness of breath) caused by asthma. It contains 2 medications: mometasone and formoterol. Mometasone belongs to a class of drugs known as corticosteroids. It works by reducing the irritation and swelling of the airways. Formoterol belongs to the class of drugs known as long-acting beta agonists. It works by opening airways in the lungs to make breathing easier. Controlling symptoms of breathing problems can decrease time lost from work or school. When used alone, long-acting beta agonists (such as formoterol) may rarely increase the risk of serious (sometimes fatal) asthma-related breathing problems. However, combination inhaled corticosteroid and long-acting beta agonists, such as this product, do not increase the risk of serious asthma-related breathing problems. This product should be used when breathing problems are not well controlled with one asthma-control medication (such as inhaled corticosteroid) or if your symptoms need combination treatment. Before using this medication, it is important to learn how to use it properly. This medication must be used regularly to be effective. It does not work right away and should not be used to relieve sudden asthma attacks. If an asthma attack occurs, use your quick-relief inhaler (such as albuterol, also called salbutamol in some countries) as prescribed. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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