Duac (benzoyl peroxide; clindamycin phosphate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Duac (benzoyl peroxide; clindamycin phosphate)

Chemical burns, redness, swollen face, burning, itchiness and blisters.

DO NOT USE THIS PRODUCT. Only used for two evenings and had the worst reaction all over my face. Peroxide should not be applied to skin!

The 3 months I applied it, ALL of my acne pretty much faded. I could cry I am so happy with how clear my skin is now. I stopped taking it for a month and no spots! I noticed a few on my nose, chin and forehead so I went to start using it again for a little while. Put it on my face, went to sleep, woke up and yikes! My entire face is red, there are swollen lumps on my cheekbones beneath my eyes and I look sunburnt. It could be because there were no spots there, but I am still upset as I haven't experienced anything during my initial treatment.

the first two days i used it were fine, i experienced no side effects and my skin began to look clearer! however by the third, fourth and fifth day, my face was absolutely burning, bright red and bumpy. i was in so much discomfort i was not able to leave it on my face. i had to wash it off an hour before i went to work and the redness had not completely gone down. the use of moisturiser over the top made the effects even worse!!!

help i don’t know whether to keep using it or not ???

Burning itchy redness on chest it killing me cant tolerate the pain plz give me some suggestion how to reduce itchiness redness n burning

A burning sensation when I put the gel on and then chemical burns in the morning when I woke up. Sore, red raw skin.

Was fine for 2 months, didn't do much, gave it a break of 3 months and started using it again and side effects were horrific.

Dry skin, Red raw skin, Burning, Itchiness, Rash, Flaking

Applied on my chin for my cystic acne. Woke up and my chin was bright red, raw and very sore. My skin was flaking off and it was very itchy which made the redness and soreness worse. It also made my chin worse by bringing it out in very little spots allover my chin. Took 2 weeks for my face to go back to normal. NOT HAPPY!

I was fine for the first two week. Then one hot day i went out and enjoyed the Sun for a while. After about half an hour a rash started to appear on my chest where I had applied the Duac. I thought it was sunburn and ignored it. The next morning when i woke up, my whole face, chest and shoulders were bright red, sore and itchy. For the next 3 nights i coudn't sleep and i was in a lot of pain. DO NOT EXPOSE PLACES WHERE DUAC IS ON SKIN TO THE SUN!

I must say, at first the Duac was clearing up my spots slowly. But after this incident I WILL NOT be using it again.

What a nightmare. Duac caused horrible chemical burns on my face. I painted a Duac smiley face on my cheek before bedtime and the next morning I had a painful severe sunburn-blistered smiley-face grinning back at me in the mirror. My dermatologist apologized and said I must be sensitive to the peroxide in Duac. The smiley face on my cheek agreed.

The next time I want to create chemical burns on my face I'll at least go for Hydrochloric Acid or Sulfuric Acid - - - at least they're cheaper and have a cooler name than Duac.

I have tried it all... Pro-active worked "ok" for me, but it eventually stopped working- i guess cuz my skin got used to it.. which happens alot with skin care products. But with DUAC topical gel, it completely cleared my face with in two weeks, and i have NOT HAD ONE PIMPLE SINCE THEN.

DUAC (BENZOYL PEROXIDE; CLINDAMYCIN PHOSPHATE): This combination medication is used to treat a certain type of acne (inflammatory acne vulgaris). It helps to decrease the number of acne pimples. Clindamycin is an antibiotic that stops the growth of acne-causing bacteria. Benzoyl peroxide can also stop the growth of bacteria as well as reduce oil production in the skin, helping keep your pores open. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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