Doxazosin mesylate (doxazosin mesylate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Doxazosin mesylate (doxazosin mesylate)

Confusion, brain fog, short term memory problemsConstant headache and dizziness

Slight feeling of brain fog that fades as the morning progresses.

I learned of this drug after reading a report in the American Journal of Hypertension regarding morning hypertension. A study was conducted in Japan and referenced several meds that show promise for people with problematic morning high blood pressure. This drug has proven to work well for patients with sympathetic nervous system hypertension, which I suffer from. Drug works like a champ for me, lowered BP from waking 170/100 to 140/90 with no ill-effects. Plus it helps with my occasional BPH flares. Make sure to strive for the lowest effective dose.

Decreased blood pressure caused dizziness when I stood up for about 6 weeks. No longer a problem.

Symptoms of enlarged prostate were beginning to be severe before beginning this medication. Symptoms remain greatly diminished so far.

Small rash on wrist which went away after about 1 week.

Cardio recommended low dose (1/2 of a 2 mg.tablet./day) because I get rashes easily from Rx drugs. This stuff took 10-15 points off my top number BP. And it really helped my enlarged prostate....I'm peeing much better now. Been on it for 3 months... great stuff so far. Cheap too.

With an enlarged prostate the need to urinate often came suddenly and urgently, and then it was difficult to 'hold' for very long. On the road or in public I would sometimes get desparate to find a bathroom, quick. Very quick. Wetting my pants was not an option. This generic form of Cardura helps me with that. The signal 'you need to go' comes on a little slower, and usually, I can 'hold it' longer. Oftentimes the urgency fades again, if I cann't get to the bathroom right away. Doxazosin doesn't make everything work the way it did before my enlarged prostate came along, but it certainly helps. Enough to where I'm comfortable putting off some kind of expensive surgical procedure. Indeed, my symptoms haven't worsened in the last 3 & 1/2 years I've been taking it.

Reduced blood pressure which was tolerable but excessive. Went back to Flomax as it had less blood pressure side effect.

Took 1 mg for 30 days. It worked well for improved flow but blood pressure dropped.

DOXAZOSIN MESYLATE (DOXAZOSIN MESYLATE): Doxazosin is used alone or with other drugs to treat high blood pressure (hypertension). Lowering high blood pressure helps prevent strokes, heart attacks, and kidney problems. This medication works by relaxing blood vessels so blood can flow more easily. Doxazosin is also used in men to treat the symptoms of an enlarged prostate (benign prostatic hyperplasia-BPH). It does not shrink the prostate, but it works by relaxing the muscles in the prostate and part of the bladder. This helps to relieve symptoms of BPH such as difficulty in beginning the flow of urine, weak stream, and the need to urinate frequently or urgently (including during the middle of the night). Doxazosin belongs to a class of drugs known as alpha blockers. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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muscle aches, short car trips pain in back pain all over in the morning when i get up, after a short time of walking some relief makes me sleepy tired all day my ankles hurt my wrists hurt my shoulders hurt my fingers hurt, i cannot pick up a gallon of milk orange juice o laundry detergent, i have trouble with hip and bakc and leg pain getting out of car. my fingers stay swollen i have taken fosamax for a year, 70mg every monday morning, all day i'm extermly tired and sleey and depress, i take parnate 40mg each day, zanax 2mg worst day of the week in monday when i take 70mg. fosamax..

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Has helped with feeling down, and depressed. After missing a dose or two I get bad shocks throughout my head and body, they happen every few seconds. They are bearable, but I have not tried to get off of them, yet.

Do your research before deciding to take this drug. Especially for children. There are some very scary adverse reactions that have been found.

Excruciating shoulder pain. Leg, calves pain. Hand numbness. Unable to sleep. Weight gain.