Divalproex sodium (divalproex sodium) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Divalproex sodium (divalproex sodium)

This drug worsened my diabetes, causing hypoglycemia. It may be sufficient for stopping hypomania, but should not be continued after that. The adverse effects were serious enough to prevent me from leaving the house: tremor, immobility, cognitive problems, depression, weakness. I am very grateful to the ER dr. who helped me by recognizing this and advice to reduce the dose. That was not enough, and despite lack of recognition of my complaints to the psych team, I discontinue after 6 months of harm.

Not appropriate for bipolar disorder of the depressive phase; as an anticonvulsant it makes it worse.

DIVALPROEX SODIUM (DIVALPROEX SODIUM): This medication is used to treat seizure disorders, certain psychiatric conditions (manic phase of bipolar disorder), and to prevent migraine headaches. It works by restoring the balance of certain natural substances (neurotransmitters) in the brain. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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None, unsure if medication truly helps or if it's just other things I do such as excess water, miralax, healthy eating etc.

After about 6 months, I realized my legs were bothering me. Dr. said it must be arthritis, NOT the premarin. Legs got worse. My leg and hip joints gradually worsened over the 8 years I took premarin. I exercised alot, but still I felt like I was walking through water. Legs felt full, heavy, achy. I continued to think it must be arthritis. Dr. urged me not to quit premarin. I couldn't stand the way I felt, so I decided to experiment. I went off premarin for three weeks, and the hot flashes returned immediately, but the leg pain immediately stopped. I went back on premarin, and the hot flashes stopped, but the leg pain came back.

I generally take about 5 mg/2-3 times a week on those rare nights as a college student that I can fully devote 8 hours of sleep and can be into my bed in 10 minutes. If I take the pill, and don't immediately get into bed, I have a tendency to feel very drunk/high and spacey. Once in bed, I have experienced mild hallucinations (nothing nightmarish, just odd subjects wander through my mind) and my body feels really weird and heavy. I find I have to remind myself that I'm in bed, trying to sleep, and I will feel fine in the morning. Then I'm asleep for the entire night. In the morning after taking Ambien, I tend to feel sort of foggy for the 30-45 minutes I take to shower and get ready, but then it clears up after that and I feel great all day.

I took Diflucan years ago for a yeast infection - got rid of it quickly and efficiently with no side effects! Fast forward to this year. I had a major yeast infection, took Diflucan but this time had multiple weird side effects, including: peeling/swollen lips (with ulcers on the inside), nausea/vomiting, terrible stomach pains and diarrhea, heart palpitations, itchy throat and increased vaginal and anal irritation. I even developed hemorrhoids for the first time in my life, and I attribute it all to this drug. I think it severely irritated my mucous membranes and then this was only worsened by coupled chronic diarrhea I was having. Be really careful taking this drug..it's no joke.

Loved it because I could sleep well and moods were better, but I couldn't take the bleeding every day anymore, and the odor. Even though the bleeding was generally light, it was EVERY DAY. Put on stomach weight also.

Frozen Transfer Fertility cycle

I am actually taking Loestrin 24 fe. However, it seems like the same thing based on everyone's reaction. I FREAKED WHEN I DIDN'T MISS A PILL AND I HAD NO PERIOD. All the negative pregnanacy tests were confusing--adding to the stress of not knowing. This is, without a doubt, the most frightening thing. I really wish my doctor would have warned me about this. I read the label and called a pharmacist and neither of them knew this sort of thing was common. I KNOW am going to call him and complain. I don't have the mood swings, but I have felt anxiety. I guess I just thought it was "me" and didn't associate it with the pills. Having a harder time losing weight, but didn't gain more than 5.

It scares me to know that here I thought I have been sleeping every night but really, I was not, I was in a state of mind that I did not even know existed. I was taking 35mg, this is what my doctor prescribed to me.

this is the third time i have had this drug. after my first bout with the flu, suffered secondary ear/sinus infection. lots of pill, painkillers and cough syrup followed, i was in drug hell, constantly going to the doctors and pharmacies and was resistant to both z pack and augmentin... finally they gave me avelox, it worked and i was infection free for about 4 months.... well, here i am again, with another ear/sinus infection... crazy because i have no history of sinus/allergies etc. but was given avelox again, this time for a 14 day course... for the most part this drug gives me extreme tiredness, i take at night, but the tiredness lingers on, i can take a nap during the day if not working and still fall asleep at night as if i am taking sleeping pills. no real panic/ anxiety, however maybe a little depression but that could be because i am sick. some hot/cold chills.