Disulfiram (disulfiram) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Disulfiram (disulfiram)

Loss of libido, orgasims feel dull, increased anxiety for some reason.

This is my third week of taking this and it is a relief to know I can't drink, however when anxiety is bad I have thought about doing "real" drugs. I can't get a rx for benzos anymore. I did overdose with benzos and alcohol.

DISULFIRAM (DISULFIRAM): This medication is used along with counseling and support to treat alcoholism. Disulfiram works by blocking the processing of alcohol in the body. This causes you to have a bad reaction when you drink alcohol. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Hair loss, Teeth chip easy, some yellowing, always cold, Sweat profusionly, constipation, very fatigue, very hard to get along with. Loss of sleep. Severe weight gain even with a regular rountine of walking (4) miles a day, plus extensive muscle stretches. Blood vessels seem to ache at times, joints aches common at night mostly. My mind seems to wonder, lots of confusion at times. Some dilirium at times. Very combatted with family at times.

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I take 80mg two tablets twice a day and duragesic 100mcg/hr patch change every 2 days with Percocet 10/325mg QID for breakthrough pain. Klonopin for sleep. It is the best for pain but do not take it for granted. take as directed

Was on lisinopril for over a year and started developing a bad cough. Doctor switched me to VASARTAN (Diovan). First week was okay, but then started having insomnia, shortness of breath, anxiety, panic feeling, feeling poorly. GLAD I found this website where others listed their experience with it. Have decided to quit taking it as of yesterday. Will go back to lisinopril if I have to or something else. Will also work on diet and exercise to lose weight.

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