Dipyridamole (dipyridamole) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Dipyridamole (dipyridamole)

dipyridamole manufactured by Global---rated 1 because four 75 mg pills (over two days) caused bad fatigue (mostly had to stay in bed and fatigue did not get better with rest) for 7 - 10 days

dipyridamole manufactured by WEBB has been taken without problems for approximately four years

DIPYRIDAMOLE (DIPYRIDAMOLE): This medication is used in combination with "blood thinners" such as warfarin to keep clots from forming after heart valve replacements. Clots are a serious complication that can cause strokes, heart attacks, or blocked blood vessels in the lungs (pulmonary embolisms). Dipyridamole is an antiplatelet drug. It helps to keep blood flowing by stopping platelets from clumping together and by keeping heart blood vessels open. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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My quality of life has severely decreased.

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feel like it has really started to control my pain; have less pain at night, although still stiff by morning. Am hoping that will continue to improve as I've heard can take a couple months to become fully effective. We may try increasing my dosage too if my digestive issues subside

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I have just started this medicine, was prescribed 30mg twice daily with Lodine for inflammation and Norco 10/325 for breakthrough. I took the first one this morning when I woke up in horrible pain as usual and it did nothing. Does it take a few days to kick in? I have had to take 2 Norco's since to calm the pain down and I have taken the second dose for today at only 3:30pm and the first one was at 7am. It certainly doesn't last 12 hours and I really got no relief? Any suggestions?

Began zoloft about 15 years ago and switched to several SSRIs and SNRIs that all stopped working. Pdoc suggested Parnate in November 2009 and I began with generic that did not work. Once I switched to brand name it worked! I never feel the symptoms of depression i once had although I do have some recurring anxeity that I take .5 mg of Xanax for maybe 5x per week tops. The diet is no big deal to stick to and I lost 18 lbs on it anyway. People say I look great and those who know about my depression say I appear happier and more social. Honestly, I was tired of crying about whatever was bothering me and never wanting to leave my apartment. I'll stick with Parnate and watch my diet so I can be 'normal'. I strongly advise trying it if SSRIs or SNRIs do not work for you. Find a Pdoc who knows how to prescribe an MAOI since they are not time released you need to take the correct dose at correct intervals during the day.

Breast tenderness and swelling, fatigue, cramping, acne, mouth ulcers, headache

practically none. (a little dry mouth)overall a very good drug

After third day sinus infection much better but felt very anxious, nauseous and dizzy.Waking early with palpitations and sore eyes. Bloated stomach.

Nassau, Vomiting, Anxiety, Fatigue, Thick Metallic Taste, Heavy Salivation.