Diphenhydramine hydrochloride (diphenhydramine hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Diphenhydramine hydrochloride (diphenhydramine hydrochloride)

I was awake most of the night. My skin was itchy as if I had the hives. I will be throwing the whole bottle away. I'm afraid to ever try it again.

Slight lethargy the next morning.

Alleviates moderate to severe migraine symptoms to allow sleep. 10-15 minutes after the injection you are asleep. Be near a couch or bed. Lol.

I bought SLEEP II at Walgreens which is the same thing. Like 15-20 minutes later I began do feel drowsy but my mind was racing. I could't sleep because it was as if I had lost control of my mind thinking about a bunch of negative stuff that made no sense. My heart was also racing. Even the next day when I woke up, I felt anxious. I got really scared because my hands and feet felt cold. I thought it was never going to end which made me even more anxious. It was horrible.

I probably slept 12 hours after taking this drug. That's more than I would have liked!

I did become drowsy quite quickly, but I woke up in the middle of the night vomiting. I felt better after vomiting/dry heaving a few times and went right back to sleep.

DIPHENHYDRAMINE HCL (DIPHENHYDRAMINE HYDROCHLORIDE): Diphenhydramine injection is an antihistamine used to treat life-threatening allergic reactions (anaphylaxis) along with epinephrine and other treatments. It is also used to relieve symptoms of household allergies, hay fever and the common cold when medication cannot be given by mouth. Common allergy symptoms relieved by antihistamines include rash, itching, watery eyes, itchy eyes/nose/throat, cough, runny nose and sneezing. It is also used to treat nausea, vomiting and dizziness caused by motion sickness when medication cannot be given by mouth. Diphenhydramine works by blocking a certain natural substance (histamine) that your body makes during an allergic reaction. Its drying effects on such symptoms as watery eyes and runny nose are caused by blocking another natural substance made by your body (acetylcholine). Diphenhydramine should not be used in newborns or premature infants because of an increased risk of side effects. It should not be used for common cold symptoms in children less than 6 years of age due to the risk of serious side effects, such as slow/shallow breathing. Cough-and-cold products have not been shown to be safe or effective in children younger than 6. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I'm glad I have found it even though it's now become a struggle, at least there is something for the pain.

A horror list a mile long - all the side effects you girls are experiencing. It was a nightmare and worse than the Chemoas it did not stop to give me a break...

Makes movement possible and restores near-normal functioning that would otherwise be impossible. Takes only 1/2 to one tablet three to four times in 24 hours to control debilitating pain. You can be charged with driving under the influence if you take even minimally effective doses so be very cautious about taking this regularly unless you ride the bus!

Horrendous ringing in ears! Dizziness, and tired all of the time. Toss and turn all night. Just recently developed a pain on the right side of my neck that really hurts sometimes. Cant lose weight.

I started having a terrible time with insomnia when I went through menopause. Suffered for about 3 yrs getting as little as 1-1/2 hrs of sleep per night. Tried various Rx sleep aids which were horrible. Finally my doc suggested trying Benadryl for a couple months. He said to try 25mg or 50mg max. I found that 25mg doesn't do the trick for me, but 50mg works great. It's been 6 mos now and while I don't sleep through the night, I am able to fall back asleep once I awaken. This has been a godsend for me. Occasionally I will feel groggy in the morning, but not too often. I get a good 6-7 (maybe even occasionally 8) hrs of sleep per night. BUT, I have found I have to take it about 2 hrs before I want to go to sleep. Also, it is necessary for me to get to bed at a reasonable time (11pm at the latest). If I stay up too late I cannot get to sleep. I have tried to wean myself off to no avail. If I don't take it or take less than 50 mg, the insomnia is back again. My doc wanted me to use it for a couple of mos, but he said it's non-addictive and didn't seem worried that I have been continuing with it. Anyway, Benadryl is not that expensive, but I purchased a generic at Costco for $3-something for 400 tablets and it works just as well for me. In this awful economy, every little bit saved is a big help. I would recommend anyone suffering from insomnia give Benadryl (or a generic equivalent) a try. Incidentally, the Costco bottle is labeled Kirkland Allergy Medicine.

Only side effect was bitter taste but it help my sinius congestion

The drug certainly eliminated the anxiety which was my primary concern at the time. However, the other side effects severely hurt your quality of life. The brain zaps are no joke if you happen to have this side effect - almost mini-seizures in rapid succession. I stopped cold turkey 5 days ago along with a very aggressive exercise program and office therapy! Wish me luck!

Weaning myself off this $600/month junk!!! Back to a baby Aspirin.

Initial drowsiness passed on the second day of treatment. After over a year and several dosage increases, I still have diarrhea upwards of 12 times a day.

I started at 5 mg while weaning off my Cymbalta. I experienced a noticeable increase in irritability and had trouble falling asleep, but it worked to elevate my mood during the day a little. When the doctor increased my dose to 10 mg I experienced severe nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Anxiety increased a lot. I do not normally experience any stomach issues with medication but this reminded me of taking pregnancy vitamins on an empty stomach.