Dimetapp (brompheniramine maleate; phenylpropanolamine hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Dimetapp (brompheniramine maleate; phenylpropanolamine hydrochloride)

horribly tired the next day for several hours in the morning and into the afternoon.

this did stop the coughing at night, i must fully admit. i would never give this to a child, considering the potency of the sleep effect and residual effects from this drug.

Works better for me than any other allergy/cold medicine - no drowsiness or jitters. Clears my stuffy, runny nose and itchy eyes.

Side Effects fordimetapp (brompheniramine maleate; phenylpropanolamine hydrochloride) - User Comments


Related User Reviews

I was really scared to take this after being prescribed for a UTI and reading the reviews. I decided to try it anyway and see if it would work for me. The first few doses were fine, I just got progressively more tired and bloated. As I continued to take it, I developed bright yellow urine and headaches. After the 6th dose, I started having a burning sensation in the soles of my feet, as well as numbing. This is what worried me as the side effects listed in the pamphlet that came with the drug mentioned nerve damage. I ultimately stopped taking it after 3 days and switched to something else that worked much better for me.

I've just been through hell last 5 days of taking these tablets (should have been 7 but doc took me off them). Horrendous panic attacks, tunnel vision, mental confusion, kept forgetting not only what I was talking about but also losing my train of though like my brains had turned to candy floss, lethargy, diarrhoea, sickness, dizziness. Been off work for last two days after thinking I was going die in toilets (panic attack) and had to go home. Also unable to drive.

Horrible horrible drug. I was prescribed this medication for post op nerve pain after a spinal fusion. I wish that I had never even considered trying it. Although it did help with the pain the side effects were not worth it. Coming off of this medication is hell. I am absolutely dumbfounded by the effects of this drug especially for only being on it for such a short amount of time. I felt dead inside and was in more pain then before starting it. Now 5 days completely off med and still battling withdrawl. Severe depression, shaking, night sweats, restlessness, can't eat, can't sleep. Feels hopeless and while still dealing with the side effects. Please never even consider putting the demon drug into your precious body.. it can destroy you.

pregnancy prevention, reg mensies

Prickling feeling in arms, hands, legs. Flush.

I have been on my period since I got my second shot on November 1st, 2008.I was put on this to end flu like symptoms associated with my time of the month. Not only have those gotten worse, they now occur daily as opposed to monthly. I do not recommend this for anyone.

headaches, nausea, dizziness, breast enlargement with tenderness, loss of conrtol of emotions.

prevent pregnancy, regulate cycle

Withdrawal from this drug is horrific. It's been compared to heroin withdrawal. Severe sweats, chills, nausea, electrical shocks in the brain, indigestion, to name some. Oh. .. and my blood pressure shot through the roof for a few days. I'm on week four without and my brain is still trying to recalibrate itself. Not sure how long it's going to take to be better. Hopefully soon. The worst of the withdrawal is gone. My moods are up and down which is normal. Hopefully they'll stabilize soon as well. Good luck to everyone trying to get off this drug. Hang in there. It WILL get better.

It's a terrible drug. Unsafe, made me so sick for months. I Should have researched. I'm so furious. FDA should be ASHAMED of themselves. Oh, and Ps. I am an otherwise healthy active happy grandmother .