Diltiazem xr (diltiazem hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Diltiazem xr (diltiazem hydrochloride)

Started at 120mg & thought I was cured when palpitations and irregular heart rhythms were greatly reduced. But after two months this benefit faded. So the dose was increased to180mg. Same sequence of events, plus side effects of constipation, swelling of lower legs, and benefit has worn off. Also am feeling muscle weakness so am less active, not good. Am considering the ablation procedure.

Diltiazem is covered by Medicare so a good drug in terms of cost- zero dollars with my Medicare supplement. Having a cardiologist or primary care doc who takes the time to talk about side effects, treatment options is so important & harder to find as health care is taken over by the profit takers.

I have tried to take this med twice. The first time (Feb 2016), I got so dizzy, I fell down a long flight of stairs, smacking my head on the floor at the bottom. I was trying to get my blood pressure down to have surgery, so I just dealt with it. It got worse over a week, to the point I couldn't even sit on the floor without falling down. I was put in a wheelchair prior to surgery, and I kept falling out (someone was there to catch me). I quit taking immediately after surgery. I tried it again yesterday and today (2/1/17). I got so dizzy this morning I walked and talked like I was drunk.The sad thing is, it works, it brought my bp from 188/124 to 147/97, but the dizziness affects my quality of life far too much, and I don't believe it will get better if I keep taking it, since it did not get better over the span of a week a year ago.

I am tired easily, but then, I was worse before!!!

Side Effects fordiltiazem xr (diltiazem hydrochloride) - User Comments


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Extremly severe dystonic reaction

I am being treated for anorexia and depression and I feel just awful on this medication. I never have anxiety attacks like this.

I am SO SORRY I tried this medicine, I have been unable to go to work, to the basement to do laundry, food shopping, I feel like I am disabled!!! I live alone! I was SO afraid of the weakness and dizziness, I went to the emergency room to make sure I was OK. I would NOT recommend this nasty Pill to anyone, I would not want to see anyone feel as I do! Last week I felt 30 - This week I feel 200 =( I have STOPPED taking the Pills, NOW, the question is, WHEN WILL I FEEL NORMAL AGAIN ???

Abdominal pain, can't cope with food smells, loss of appetite but this makes me think its only working as I didnt have a switch to stop eating before, choosing healthier options as well. Walking everyday. Also vomiting after taking 0.500mg injection and now since starting the 1mg. The good outweighs the bad from the side effects. I have lost 25 pounds in 4 weeks! I just have to wait until my body gets adjusted to it is all.

35 pound weight gain, anemia, leg and foot cramps, extreme hunger - went off of this drug 2 weeks ago and I am already losing weight, cramps are gone, hunger is back to normal.


I've only been taking it for over a week but it is ruining my life