Diltiazem hcl (diltiazem hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Diltiazem hcl (diltiazem hydrochloride)

When I first took it 6 years ago, I had a hard time getting use to the medication, I was sleepy alot.. but after that, it works like MAGIC.. the moment I get palpatations, I dont go into AFIB,.. BEST MEDICINE EVER!

TAZTIA XT (DILTIAZEM HYDROCHLORIDE): Diltiazem is used to treat high blood pressure (hypertension) and prevent chest pain (angina). Lowering high blood pressure helps prevent strokes, heart attacks, and kidney problems. When used regularly, diltiazem can decrease the number and severity of episodes of chest pain from angina. It may help increase your ability to exercise. Diltiazem is called a calcium channel blocker. It works by relaxing blood vessels in the body and heart so blood can flow more easily. Diltiazem also lowers your heart rate. These effects help the heart work less hard and lower blood pressure. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Without prednisone I would be completely incapacitated. The side effects are all bearable and not permanent. I was on prednisone for years earlier in my life for the same illness and it worked wonders then and I was able to get off it for years. All the side effects go away accept the bone loss which can be replaced. With this recent flair up I was thankful that prednisone worked so well for me again. I tried many other drugs over the years but nothing worked for my arthritis and most had side effects that were much worse and many were permanent.

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She is normally a very laid back and go-with-the-flow type of child so this was concerning. She even said that her heart was beating very fast. I quickly took her off Zyrtec & called her doctor, who simply suggested a different drug because of the fatigue & didn't acknowledge the behavior issues. Last night, after being off of Zyrtec for almost 24 hrs, she said she didn't feel well & she didn't know why, thought her heart was racing & asked if she could go to the doctor in the AM. That was it. We immediately went to the ER of the local children's hospital where she had an EKG that was normal. The doctor there said he sees this problem all the time with antihistamines in children. He stated that some children just go off the wall crazy with them & that it would take a few days for her to return to normal & that if she wasn't better by then to see her dr. That night was horrible & it was almost midnight before she could calm down enough to sleep. Her clothes were bothering her & she was worried about everything. Tonight will be 48 hours w/no meds & she seems to be doing better today w/only one small crying incident about her hair, one time where she said her pants made her feel bad (angry) & one time she said she was mad at her sister & blamed the meds. (LOL) I just want my girl back. I hope this helps someone else.

Delayed reaction. After 10 days, both ankles severe inflammationLed to two tendon ruptures, permanent pain and damage in both calves and ankles to tendons, muscles, nerves. Severe condition now 10 years later. DELAYED REACTION SYNDROME WAS NOT ON LABEL.

Infected big toe nail (both of them

I did have to go the bathroom all the time at first but now i do not. I have not lost any weight but i am only taking 500 mg.I hope i do lose.

did bring my blood presure down but gave panic attacks

Muscle Pain in left arm and upper back.Hair dryness, breakage and loss

This one has been tipped down the sink! I'll be looking for more natural alternatives. Should have known better than to trust a pharmaceutical drug!