Dicloxacillin sodium (dicloxacillin sodium) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Dicloxacillin sodium (dicloxacillin sodium)

Intensely itchy red rash on body, legs, butt and arms.

This effectively stopped the infection that I contracted after a surgery to remove a Basil Cell carsonoma on my upper arm.I am allergic to Sulfa - might be the cause - stopped before fullcourse of treatment with no problems.

Chest pains within one day. Very scary. Turned out to be esophagial spams. My doctor let me stop taking it a few days early.

(Age is approximate age when I took this. It's been a few years.)

DICLOXACILLIN SODIUM (DICLOXACILLIN SODIUM): Dicloxacillin is used to treat a wide variety of bacterial infections. It is a penicillin-type antibiotic. It works by stopping the growth of bacteria. This antibiotic treats only bacterial infections. It will not work for viral infections (such as common cold, flu). Using any antibiotic when it is not needed can cause it to not work for future infections. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


Related User Reviews

It helps but my one major concern is the addiction part. I was so happy to be taking Gralise and it helping ALOT until I found out you can become addicted and also you will have withdrawals if you try to get off them. I attempted to quit taking them one night and I was up all night with pretty bad pain so I finally took ONE at 5 a.m. in the morning. I couldn't stand it anymore. So I'm a little pissed off I probably won't be able to stop taking until I have a week to plan the suffering. I'm a little pissed that these doctors don't tell patients they will go through withdrawals if they attempt to quit. If you haven't taken Gralise yet I recommend you don't take that 1st pill but I also understand it gets so exhausting having pain 24/7-- I just don't know what to do. My brain is telling me to stop taking but I keep taking.

I have been taking this medication for three years and find it works pretty well, with almost no side effects. Sometimes, it doesn't work, and sometimes, I feel groggy in the morning, but I usually get 5-6 hours of good sleep when I take it. It can take up to an hour before I fall asleep, so I have to time it carefully. Take it too early, and I'm wide awake at 4:30. Take it too late and I'm still awake at 1:00 am.

Fatigue, lower stomach cramps, dark urine.

As far as I'm concerned it saved me! I feel like me again! Helped with my pain and depression

I was diagnosed with crohn's in 1991, I was 21 years old. I had no insurance and no way to afford medicines. I survived at first due to an angel in doctor's clothing who gave me samples to spare me the drug costs of Asacol. I was not perfectly healthy, but I survived. I moved serveral times after that, had some good doctors and some real quacks. and my disease got slowly worse. I've tried almost everything, asacol, prednisone, cortenemas, nothing really worked. in 97 I ended up in the hospital because I was throwing up, unable to keep even water down and suffering from raging fevers that I'd break within an hour or two only to start all over again. I went to the ER. On call that night was a Gasteroeneurologist who saved my life that night. He got me on antibiotics and a few other minor drugs and I was home in a week with a scheduled colonoscopy in a month. the night before I was due for the procedure I was unable to finish the colon flush they give you because of the vomiting again. I was in the hospital as an inpatient for my procedure the next morning. He also had me sign for an upper GI at the last minute on a hunch and discovered a bad case of acid reflux and got me on the Prilosec and I've been very happy. After the procedure he handed me the drug bible and told me to look up Purinethol. He had me weigh the long term potential side effects versus the potential results and gave me the choice to begin the 6MP treatment. It was October and he told me I should be in remission by New Years. He lied. I was in complete remission by thanksgiving. My relationship with this drug has been a little on again off again due to pregnancies but has in general been better and more open than my first marriage, and with better results. the marriage nearly killed me and the drug saved my life. I just got off an 8 month dalliance with Remacade. It was nice at first, the day after I was weak, suffered inexplicable backaches the week after, but then I was fine for about 5-6 weeks. I'd start bleeding 2 weeks before the next treatment. Last week I suffered a bout of Lupus like symptoms which I had not been warned about, primarily the wandering arthralgias that had me doubled over in the ER again afraid to move. I felt like a dead spider, with dry brittle bones and painful joints that even Darvocet couldn't ease. I am off the Remacade (though it is a wonderful drug, and many I have talked with while getting the infusions have been very happy with it (mostly arthritis patients) but it just isn't for me) I am temporarily back on the prednesone to knock out the pain (which occured in 6 hours thankfully) and am back on the 6MP. And now that they've declared it safe for pregnancies I'll never go off it again.

No other noticeable side affects.

dizziness, irritation, heart palpatations

memory loss, would repeat things, could not find words to express my thoughts. Took forever to finish a sentence sometimes. Three years after stopping, still have side effect such as memory problems, concentration, aggitation. Would not take again!

Low energy, chills, sore throat

overall i have to say that lunesta has the least amount of side effects. I have taken a variety of medication for insomnia and this one had been the best in terms of not feeling hungover or drowsy the next morning. when it works it works good, but unfortunately the effect of this drug seams to be hit or miss. sometimes it just doesnt work at all. Also it doesn't provide you with a "deep" sleep, and as a result you wake up feeling lethargic. For me i have to have a complety empty somtach for it to work. ( My doctor told me not to eat an hour before taking the medication..but for me i had to to fast for like at least 3 hours before) in summation its an OK medication for sleeping but it may be too "light" in terms of getting you to sleep