Diazepam intensol (diazepam) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Diazepam intensol (diazepam)

All benzos are horrible. They cause terrible withdrawal symptoms. They should only be used in hospital situations. I would not wish benzos on my worst enemy.

I hate this class of drugs! It ruined 15 years of my life.

All benzos are horrible. They cause terrible withdrawal symptoms. They should only be used in hospital situations. I would not wish benzos on my worst enemy.

I hate this class of drugs! It ruined 15 years of my life.

DIAZEPAM INTENSOL (DIAZEPAM): Diazepam is used to treat anxiety, alcohol withdrawal, and seizures. It is also used to relieve muscle spasms and to provide sedation before medical procedures. This medication works by calming the brain and nerves. Diazepam belongs to a class of drugs known as benzodiazepines. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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This medication may work for those who take no other benzodiazapines. I advised the Dr. just before the procedure that I take 10mg of Valium a day and would need MORE Versed for my colonoscopy. He ignored me resulting in me having to watch the colonoscopy on the moniter while I yelled in pain.

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I followed all the instructions, small amount, washing off advised M-F x 4weeks. It is hard to believe that a small amount of cream can do this to a healthy person. This drug is very dangerous dont be fooled if you start to get a servere headache within 2 hours of putting on the cream you are probarly going to have a bad reaction. Have found acupunture and chinese herbs have helped in my slow recovery. will never use Aldara again

Sometimes I need more than my regular allergey medicine, Clarinex. Sudafed is the best for stopping my sneezing. I'm worried now because I was just diagnosed with high blood pressure and I'm not supposed to use Sudafed anymore.

Nausea if I didn't eat. Always must eat with it. Lil bloating and needing toilet a bit more. Memory loss a little.

48 hours of diarrhea & nausea w/ pains in legs, arms & hips.

on like, 7.5 mgs a day, Noticed a little irratability, headaches, Depression, Feeling Very tired all the time, but unable to sleep. Having probelems getting comfortable in my own bed.Some Of these may be caused by other meds too, Currently on Lovenox, to thin blood as well, and Vicodin for pain.

Really bad pains in my stomach feeling sick and could not sleep. This is not the first time I have taken this drug I have had it several times before and never had such bad side effects. What is worrying me is that since I have taken it although the chest infection has cleard up I have been left with a sore throut that just will not go away. I didnt have the sore throut before I took them so does any one know if that could be one of the side effects. I have been back to the GP to ask and been told DONT KNOW ! It is not an ordanary sore throut that I have ever had it keeps me awake at night making me cough.

It worked well at first in July 2022. But by January 2023 it felt like shot was giving me only days of improvement. My hands swelled, fingers, total hip surgery that never healed well n swelled previously got worse. Swelling on left hip from bottom of scar to above my hip bone. Fatigue got bad then worse.. heavy hair loss.. Depression, crying about everything wrong in my life. Then i went numb ..like i couldn't express myself. I Couldn't have a normal reaction..I felt frozen some days. No emotion. Migraines galore. I have trigeminal nerve disorder and I have ear damage. I couldn't tell what's hurting.. I am a cancer Survivor of a nasty cancer that affected my mouth and brain.

Extremely tired, bloating, confusion, blurry eyes, depression worse than before taking. Terrible drug