Diastat (diazepam) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Diastat (diazepam)

drowsiness after I wake up,feel kinda queezy and have to go to the bathroom after I wake up.Feel sluggish for a few hours.

Diastat is the fastest working AED I have ever taken, even though it is rectally applied. Diastat can stop a seizure as quick as 5 to 10 minutes,my results. it just depends on how quick you or someone else can administer the plastic tiped applicator and give you the shot. The seizure just fades away and in my case puts me to sleep.

DIASTAT (DIAZEPAM): This medication is used to treat episodes of increased seizures (such as cluster or breakthrough seizures) in people who are already taking medications to control their seizures. This product is only recommended for short-term treatment of seizure attacks. It is not for ongoing daily use to prevent seizures. Uncontrolled seizures can turn into serious (possibly fatal) seizures that do not stop (status epilepticus). This medication is not recommended for children younger than 6 months of age because of the risk of serious side effects. Diazepam works by calming the brain and nerves. It belongs to a class of drugs known as benzodiazepines. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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