Dextrostat (dextroamphetamine sulfate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Dextrostat (dextroamphetamine sulfate)

This medication did not work well for me at all. If anything, it only made my ADD worse. It also gave me a terrible crash everyday, where I would feel extremely depressed. I was also very irritable and always in a bad mood; this was completely out of character for me. Also the dry mouth got so bad that it was difficult for me to talk for long periods of time.

DEXTROSTAT (DEXTROAMPHETAMINE SULFATE): This medication is used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder - ADHD. It works by changing the amounts of certain natural substances in the brain. Dextroamphetamine belongs to a class of drugs known as stimulants. It can help increase your ability to pay attention, stay focused on an activity, and control behavior problems. It may also help you to organize your tasks and improve listening skills. This medication is also used to treat a certain sleeping disorder (narcolepsy) to help you stay awake during the day. It should not be used to treat tiredness or to hold off sleep in people who do not have a sleep disorder. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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decreased appetite, fatigue, maybe a little "foggy"

I read all of your comments with extreme frustration. The people that are taking this med for the righ reasons gave it a 3-5. The people who abuse it have negative things to say. This is supposed to be a rating for patients on the med. After reading some of your posts, I would be scared to death to take this med. I can say it saved my life. I went from crawling on the ground to walking. I also have dropped dosages and increased dosages with little problems, under doctor supervision. I have never wanted to abuse the drug. I never run out of my script early. I don't feel the need to have more. I need this drug. I am frustrated with the people who continue to abuse it. They need to realize what they are doing to chronic pain, they are ruining it for us. Please, if you are in chronic pain do the research, don't listen to the people on a site. Ask your doctors, nurses, other chronic pain patients. You have pain rights, you need to feel as if your pain is being helped. For m

Violent mood swings, violent behavior, mania, depression

It has helped me TREMENDOUSLY, however, I can't get off it anymore without issues. I started taking it for occasional bad episodes, and would ween myself off it. However, now it seems like my lungs cannot breath well without it. Aside from that I consider it a miracle drug. It allows me to spend time, hours, in homes with cats. Truly a phenomenon for me.

I was prescribed Diflucan for fungal infection in bikini area. 1 pill (150 mg) then another 2 days later. I was ok until 2 days after second dose. I now have bad abdominal pain that comes and goes, gas pain and chills (no fever). Fungal infection no longer burns or itches, but stomach pain is awful. If I eat or drink anything, I start cramping. Not worth it! I haven't slept in two days due to stomach pain!

Extreme weight gain, insatiable hunger. Gained over a hundred pounds. 220-350lbs. Avoid this medicine if you have problems with others with weight gain. Still experienced bipolar episodes.

I've been taking Miralax for three years. I take it regularly once a day and when I stop it basically feels like rocks are passing through my intestines, so I continue to take it. I now have a regular BM every single morning right after breakfast. I occassionaly have bloating and cramps but it's not nearly as severe than when I don't take the medicine. I have a narrowing in my colon (had a colonoscopy and my GI couldn't even get the child-sized scope through) and taking Miralax has been the best way to get my bowels to pass through the narrowing. It took some time to find the correct dosage (I was taking it 3 times a day at one point) and taking it once daily has been the best. I maintain a healthy diet and exercise regularly which also helps in my digestion.

I will never take this drug again NOR will I recommend it to anyone for any reason. The withdrawal alone is enough to put you into jail; or at the very least, a mental health facility.

klonopin is better and lasts longer

Hair loss, memory loss, severe hot flashes