Dextroamphetamine sulfate (dextroamphetamine sulfate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Dextroamphetamine sulfate (dextroamphetamine sulfate)

At first I felt somewhat energized, but after a couple weeks I felt normal and at ease.

I tried Adderal, but the Levo-amphetamine made me feel aggressive and made my heart beat fast. I switched to Vyvanse, but would never feel any real focus, but felt relaxed and calmer. I then switched to Dexedrine and after trying a couple manufacturers, Barr/Wilshire and Malinckroft and the Malinckroft brand was very relaxing, helped focus and anger issues got better. Went from never getting an A in my life, to getting 5 in my first 2 quarters back to college. I can control my anger much better and will one day learn skills to take the place of the medication, but the medication has given me an equal dopamine level with everyone else in the world.

We have tried ALL the ADHD meds for our 7 year old son and this is the one that has worked the best for him. He has EXTREMELY SEVERE ADHD. The down side is that he needs to take it 4 times a day and it's a on/off medication. But I'm very happy with this medication. He's not a zombie on it and he's a pleasant little boy who is very creative with the medication something he can't do when he's not on medication. I never knew he loved to draw so much until he started ADHD medication, he couldn't sit still long enough to enjoy it. Also he's also safer as well because he's no longer jumping off the dresser onto the bed or from sofa to sofa etc.... Very Happy with this medication and would recommend it to anyone. It's also a lot cheaper as well, we have insurance and for his child dose cost less than $20 a month for this medication. It does take away the appetite for food so we do work hard to make sure he gets enough calories. And when he's hungry he's hungry ! (written by th

DEXTROAMPHETAMINE SULFATE (DEXTROAMPHETAMINE SULFATE): This medication is used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder - ADHD. It works by changing the amounts of certain natural substances in the brain. Dextroamphetamine belongs to a class of drugs known as stimulants. It can help increase your ability to pay attention, stay focused on an activity, and control behavior problems. It may also help you to organize your tasks and improve listening skills. This medication is also used to treat a certain sleeping disorder (narcolepsy) to help you stay awake during the day. It should not be used to treat tiredness or to hold off sleep in people who do not have a sleep disorder. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Worked good for sinus congestion but nearly felt I was dying by fourth day taking it had full blown panic attack thought I was losing my mind it has been two weeks since stopped taking and still have anxiety everyday er doc told me to give it a month but will never take again and I have anxiety to begin with.

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It's 1:40 AM and I can't fall asleep. Ever since I started taking Tamiflu, I haven't been able to get on a normal sleeping pattern. Normally within a few minutes of laying down, I fall asleep. Not now with the Tamiflu keeping me awake. Also feeling bloated and really gassy. Some loss of appetite. Food and drinks have lost some of their taste. The only good thing is that my cough is gone.The insomnia is the biggest surprise related to this drug. This was my first time to take Tamiflu and it will be my last. Not being able to get some good deep sleep has left me feeling zombie-like. Brain is kinda slow and not quite as sharp as usual. After reading other accounts on this website and seeing how it has affected me, I am not finishing my doses and will not be taking this medicine again.

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First month= Loss of appetite, upset stomach, cramping. A week in a half in a heavy 7 day bleed (like a full blown period) tender breasts and hard cysts developed.Month 2 = Horrible acne outbreak (I had clear skin before)looks like severe measles all over my neck and under chin, along with forehead and cheeks. So depressing! And now I have no sex drive.

Calf muscles (and foot) tire very quickly. This often leads to leg/foot cramps. Comparable to fatigue after a long workout. I have been taking Lipitor for about 4 yrs - the muscle tiring has become worse with time and now will 'act' up very soon even with a short slow walk. This has severely hampered my ability to excercise. I first thought this was a response to the diabetes but was recently made aware that Lipitor may be causing it.